
Read it again. I confirmed what Apple did. And said other companies are far worse offenders.

Nobody is defending Apple (yet). But go ahead and be offended by something that hasn’t happened yet.

Lol, that second paragraph was sarcasm. I should have added the /s. My true understanding is that with Google (and Facebook), the customer is the product.

As I read it, Apple sells the name, address and listening choices of the customer to marketing companies. The marketing company supplies the rest of the info.

She was a crazy person...

Not all baby boomers... but far too many have these faults:

Would you say millennials are less likely than baby boomers to be baited by racist dog whistles?

My gut feeling tells me Manning was catfished, or something of the sort. 

My girlfriend and I were talking about her hernia. I never talked about hernias before that. The next day, I got hernia mesh ads in my IG feed.

Qyburn’s death was more satisfying than either of the Cleganes.

Right! A rideshare service that has never turned a profit sees it stock price (aka perceived value) fall of a cliff upon going public? What a shocker.

Why do we have to resort to insults?

Talk about storytelling - the most unbelievable part of last night’s episode... are we to believe that a dragon just has unlimited fire to breathe? How much flammable material does a dragon’s body produce and hold? Are they magic? Just doesn’t seem possible. 

Eh, I love the show, but you could go either way on watching or not. It’s an amazing show, but many parts are brutal to watch for some.

If go back further to the Dwight Howard era in 2016. The Rockets thought they could be competitive, but the Warriors punished the Rockets into basically giving up before halftime each game. This is when I cemented my opinion that when the going got tough, Harden would always be a quitter. 

This is true. Last night was poetic, in a classic good versus evil story kind of way, where the team that plays the proper brand of high-effort team ball won out in the end.

And this is the type of goon-level antics that prove CP3 will never win a ring.

I’m a Warriors fan, and mostly because of their brand of basketball.

I think CP3 has a brilliant basketball mind, but he is one dirty, unlikeable player. I’m not the only one - I was pleased to see fans toast him on this post:

I never doubted for a moment that the Warriors would win this series. To the naked eye, the Rockets arguably had the same or more more talent than the Warriors. But that’s not what sunk the Rockets. When the playoffs roll around, it’s the intangibles that win tight matches.