
I just started lifting, nothing crazy, but I absolutely hate cardio. With that said, I’ve never run more than a mile at a time in my entire life, I’m 37, and have a few weeks to train for a fun little IPA 10k with some friends. Trying to work out a total of four times a week, because that’s all my schedule allows, I

Wow, young QB and coach get owned by veteran perennial champ QB and coach. Who could have guessed the outcome. The only way the Rams could have pulled this off is with some risky big/trick plays and they froze.

And if all these fuckers keep not calling Tom Brady the GOAT, he will continue to play and take all the rings.

My hot take: fuck the NCAA.

A really good gift, for that love of your life that you don’t want to spend more $$$ on jewelry instead this year, is an Apple Watch. Cards on the table, almost nobody needs an Apple Watch, but it’ll be something she will use every day and will grow to love. And get her a girly watch band (such as an animal print) to

A really good gift, for that love of your life that you don’t want to spend more $$$ on jewelry instead this year,

You underestimate his followers’ stupidity and lack of self-awareness. These people have been using hypocrisy and double-standards for years, voting against their own self-interests, and using exceptions to the rule to develop their positions.

I like to point out on every thread that AirPods are the best, if not one of the very best, all-purpose, all-around truly wireless headphones.

I like to point out on every thread that AirPods are the best, if not one of the very best, all-purpose, all-around

AirPods are great for all of these things, with one caveat- if they’re native Apple apps. If not, I’ve found some apps don’t work with certain AirPod features.

AirPods are great for all of these things, with one caveat- if they’re native Apple apps. If not, I’ve found some

I would have been satisfied if he had to wear that MAGA hat through the entire interview. If he was so proud of it a few days ago, he shouldn’t be ashamed to wear it now, right?

I said best, if not one of the best, and I stand by it.

I said best, if not one of the best, and I stand by it.

Are you even in the right thread, bro?

Best means that there are none better. AirPods aren’t perfect for everyone, but that’s not the point. They fit better than most in-ear headphones (but not quite as good as the ‘tips’ for the original Bose In-ear headphones). They’re perfect for working out and any exercise outdoors because it does not completely block

Best means that there are none better. AirPods aren’t perfect for everyone, but that’s not the point. They fit

Of course Scott’s camp would be eager to set the narrative that Kap gave his blessing or something of the sort. It’s not rocket surgery, to know a 12th choice coward sellout would also not have the balls to say he would do it regardless of how big of a sellout it made him look like.

If that was the case, don’t you think teams and analysts would have called him out on that bullshit?

So are you saying Kap was blackballed by the league or not? Because it mostly sounds like wishy-washy justification bullshit. I’ll be happy if you tell me I’m wrong.

How much collegiate sports cares about student-athletes is the exact reason why I can’t watch collegiate sports of any kind.

I remember seeing these commercials for the first time and thinking to myself, “what dafuq?” Then I read the small print at the bottom and IIRC, it was citing selective survey data from 3-4 years ago. Total facepalm. Lying liars.

AirPods are 2 years old now and are just now becoming mainstream because people are finally realizing they are hands down the best (if not one of the best) all-purpose headphones on the market. 

AirPods are 2 years old now and are just now becoming mainstream because people are finally realizing they are hands

But what is your point? No more security screenings? I’m intrigued. I believe that would make air travel more exciting.

If you’re saying that price is the problem, that ain’t it, chief. Sure, tax revenue is nice, but most cities are still terrified by cannabis. I live in Ukiah, the heart of Mendocino County, which is one third of the weed-notorious Emerald Triangle. The County is ironing out the regulations and tax revenue is just