
But I thought we could all be Triple Diamond Leaders at It Works Global.

What ethnicity do you think most undocumented immigrants are?

The major crimes not ruled out: Conspiracy against the United States if colluding with Russia. Or more likely, money laundering or other financial crimes like Manafort - Trump is considered toxic to every major US bank and has resorted to borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian banks offer the last few

I’m at work and can’t watch the video, but I imagine it’s much like his Curb Your Enthusiasm - semi-funny at some moments, but overall, crosses the line too often and is just offensive.

Papa John couldn’t help (due to his racist tendencies) but blame black people. He didn’t have to go there, he could have exercised restraint. but he chose to go there.

At worst under Hillary, it would have been a few years of the status quo. Not this twilight zone dystopia.

Remember the days when journalists, bloggers and readers cared about facts? One side-effect of mis/disinformation is that it perpetuates people believing what they want happened (often more biased, sensationalist and divisive) as opposed to the factual events. And these people are easily manipulated.

Kap’s cause is to shine a light on the racial injustice black people and other people of color face still today, like he said from the beginning. If his protest cost him his job, that was a risk he was willing to take, being this was an important issue to him. However, it the league violated collective bargaining

What have you done in your life in any pursuit that rivals the determination and fortune (or another measure of success you are free to choose) the Kardashians have achieved? What could you achieve with that same drive and ingenuity?

There is irony in that if someone were to hack Trump’s account and tweet those things, those tweets could believably really be from him.

I find it paradoxical that people hate Kim and consequently, the Kardashians. Sure, she got famous and rich by unconventional means, but don’t think for a second, that many people wouldn’t have done similar things to get rich and famous. Also, we should also admire that family’s relentless, sometimes shameless,


The other part of ESPN’s problem isn’t it’s staff, but rather the viewers/public. The American people, referenced lately with terms like snowflake and safespace, seem to have this inability to think critically and read things objectively, choosing instead to be arbitrarily offended.

Wouldn’t surprise me to find out people harassed him at his home. No excuse for pulling a gun on a delivery person. Waiting for the whole story.

It was also shared in another article here that in ios 11, pressing the side button puts the X in emergency/SOS mode, and hitting cancel requires a passcode to get back into the phone.

I see what you’re saying.. but...

He also didn’t mean it.

This is the same generation that gave us Trump. They can go right ahead and die already.

It’s hard to understand that these people really believe what they say themselves about everyone having to stand for the National Anthem.

Goodell’s compassion is the right response. It acknowledges the injustice that black people face. It is probably the most expedient response too. The NBA, for example, has said that all players should stand for the national anthem, but the league encourages players to speak out on social issues. This would allow the