
A little faith is restored in the human race since dickhead Pat McCrory is having trouble finding employment since leaving his post as Governor there.

I’m glad I don’t play basketball as an adult.

Sounds like Tesla holds all of the cards and can dictate which body shops can buy their parts, and likely completely legal. But it’s a matter of time before aftermarket companies make replacement parts for Teslas and any repair shop can repair Teslas. Although most probably won’t because Teslas really are “different”

But Tesla is claiming incompetence on the repair shops, not trouble on their end supplying “technologically complicated” vehicles.

All-time high? More like all-time low. From January:

All-time high? More like all-time low. From January:

This may backfire. It’s one of those situations now where you have to have to rob Peter to pay Paul, again.

Somebody tell this guy that eventually we will all look alike. It’s literally a ‘problem’ that fixes itself over time.

I haven’t done taxes electronically personally, but according to my new ex-wife who has done our taxes for years, buyer beware, H&R Block software has a shit user experience compared to Turbo Tax.

I haven’t done taxes electronically personally, but according to my new ex-wife who has done our taxes for years,

Give that man another playmaker!

3 things:

Before the inauguration, I opined too that the world would be better off if everybody agreed to pretend like Trump Tweets never existed. The worst are the controversial and inflammatory tweets, because the media (since they have no choice but to address it) get their headlines hijacked for the next day or more instead

Lebron could easily will his way to MVP, maybe even unanimous, and put up more triple doubles than Westbrook, but chooses not to because he is in his 14th season and has to pace himself because he actually has postseason hopes.

Has anybody ever even died from a high school fight? Probably. But kids have fought over dumber shit (you and I included), and this is a good a reason as any to whoop some ass.

You may regret making this statement. Jussayin’

Anybody still think this man doesn’t deserve equal-mention in the MVP conversation?


JT was muted. They could have just bleeped out the F word.

Next article will be about stand up desks for gamers improving their posture. Lol.

Not sure if coincidence or satire or pun or ax to grind or what the fuck.

This is the exact same method The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah suggested for Trump. And basically anyone who is full of shit.