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Same guy made this. Its an extremely great Third Doctor short he did as an anime. Only thing I didn't like is the stereotypical weird anime chick with big boobs. But other than that really solid for a fan film.

Beat me to the goddamn punch.

but see, war / fall of cybertron was loosely tied to Prime. There was a lot of continuity issues. But what I'm hopeful about RID is that it wraps up some loose plot lines from Prime.


I know its playing off the male MCU Thor.. But I don't really care for the Lady Thor's armor nipples. Just seems silly.

I'm going to reserve my judgment for anything with AMC's adaptation of Preacher, until it airs. But, I really don't like the casting options that they are considering. Plus even as violent as The Walking Dead is, I'm not sure how they are going to pull off Preacher. Don't get me wrong, I am really hopeful for this

Here's my only problem with this, and the only problem I have had with this series yet...

I can see them leaving out Coldhands.

Only MP Seeker I don't have is Starscream. Havent been able to find him at a good price. I want the Hasbro one, so I don't have to open to display.

2) Greyjoy Family Matters

MP-10 is good and all, and fits to scale of the rest of the Masterpiece line. But MP-01, is still the best MP Prime. That sucker is huge and solid too.

Nothing beats this beauty.

Everytime I hear Kristen Schaal talk, I'm just waiting her to go "Womp, Womp."

I never said it was "good" news.

How I wished this one was true...

In other news....

ONe thing I felt lacking from this season is it needs more connections to Swamp Thing. I didn't see one reference to him the whole season. I know this is probably before he meets Alec. But the Brujeria and the Darkness was mainly a Swamp Thing arc.

Ahh... The Voords. Makes me want to rewatch the Keys to Marinus. I feel asleep through that one. Still feel the urge to watch it coherently.

Honestly, I think they did that to Tyreese as a way way to use that as what they did to Morgan in the comic, so Morgan on the show would branch out more. He seems so much more hardened in the show. I always hated how frail he was in the comic.