Batman used guns all the time in Golden and Silver age comics. He even killed alot of villains in his first Golden Age run. This was based on the fact he was a halfway rip off of the Shadow at the time. His anti-Gun stance wasn't established until Post-Crisis. And even then HAS used guns, as long as it wasn't used…
Daaamn.... when I quit playing Magic about 10 years ago, this was only going for $1000.
Daaamn.... when I quit playing Magic about 10 years ago, this was only going for $1000.
am I the only one tired of Lego "everything?"
Thank you for mentioning this.
Wow. This whole "derogatory" term thing has got out of hand.
This is so ridiculous. They have been pimping this Esquire tv for a year now, and what, nothing? not that I was excited for the channel, or that I thought G4 was a great station at this point. But fuck, just take the goddamn channel off. Its too sad to watch anymore.
Damn! I saw both of them there, but I had no idea it was Mark Meer and Rana.
I saw several Mass Effect cosplayers there, but I didn't realize there was that many! Maily a bunch of Fem-Sheps and Male-Sheps and one Garrius that was really well done
As someone who live in Birmingham, AL , a place the world is all to familiar with when it comes to Civil Rights, I do agree with all the types of racist listed here.
ah. thats explains everything. but still new 52 sucks....
one reason i hate the new 52: Isnt the Joker's face supposed to be attached to his face like leatherface now? or they ret-conned that a month later too?