
I was thinking the same thing for the guy. thing... it.. what the fuck ever...

I love the Hartnell episodes, but you are right, they are slow in some points. But you have to realize you are watching a 50 year old show, with to todays standards a small budget. A fun thing I like to do when watching the Hartnell episodes is watch for when Hartnell forgets a line or even a characters name, and he

Unearthly Child and The Daleks are my top 2 picks. but ill give you some more.

I love the Hartnell episodes! I have all of them available on DVD. Some episodes are a little worse than others, but there are some really great stories in his run.

I like stout beer more. But yeti is bad news man. at the brewfest they give you a small glass for tasting, and the yeti was so thick, it coated the glass with a heavy film. pretty damn gross.

A good Birmingham favorite worthy of an animated GIF.

lol . It was at sloss brewfest about 2 or 3 years ago. the whole brewfest is ok if you don't drink much beer, but if you are a beer guy its for you. a little pricey.

just speculating. it was pretty fucking gross.

God, Yeti is so fucking terrible. I tried it at a local Brewfestival here in Birmingham, AL. It tasted like bigfoot stuck his dick in it.

Made of starstuff you say? That's cute. (

what about the doctor? was she dead or not? everyone else in that room seemed to be. So maybe she was the one person who died sacrificing herself to save another. and plus I am so pissed that they fully didn't reveal if Kenya dies or not.

still don't understand why this hasn't been developed into a series or movie... :(

I think Caves of Andronzani is better than both City of Death and Pyramids of Mars, but it is not the best Classic Doctor Who episode.

still cant get over this monstrosity....

As someone who live in Birmingham, AL , a place the world is all to familiar with when it comes to Civil Rights, I do agree with all the types of racist listed here.

When the new series started, and the show led people to believe the Doctor had been a non-violent pacifistic, I was kinda like what the fuck? I remember him killing all the time?

ah. thats explains everything. but still new 52 sucks....

one reason i hate the new 52: Isnt the Joker's face supposed to be attached to his face like leatherface now? or they ret-conned that a month later too?

oh you got us. so sneaky...

yea.. ok... soo when your called out on some major bitch nerd gripe bitch for a make believe movie, you fall back on the "Just kidding guys. I'm trolling." I think the giant mech swinging a boat as a sword is more fucking believeable.