
It is my dream that one day these House & Senate clowns would be forced to live under the same crap they stick us with. I am pretty sure if Paul Ryan or his wife and kids were subject to this Healthcare bill that it would be a whole hell of a lot better everyone, but until that day we will have to deal with this dreg

Well Hot Damn. I love the scream he yelps out

This is how I imagine this poor bastard at the end of each day after having to throw full throat-ed support behind President Circus Peanut and his cockamamie ideas and theories.

I love this and I don’t know why. I don’t know Osweiler, I don’t hate Osweiler, I don’t know anything about the kid. I just know that I love this with the fury of 1000 raging suns.

Cool now I don’t have to despise them individually. Now I can focus all my disdain towards “LoRod” as a singular entity

Fair Enough.

While I despise the man and everything he stands for, lets not pick on every single thing he does. I mean their is plenty of enough stuff to go after him about lets not FOX NEWS it and start dictating the narrative. I swear if Obama drank a Pepsi Fox would run an editorial “Obama Why he hates Coca Cola and the people

I would like to take this opportunity to thank President Donald J. Trump for shinning a light on the effects of untreated Mental Illness.

Anybody check to see if Alex Jones didn’t mention it in one of his crackpot conspiracies theories on infowars?

As a rule if you have to play the “Do you know who I am?” Card then chances are “NO. They don’t know who you are. Well that or they don’t care. Either way it’s not a good look.

I guess it would be.......... but then its a touchy subject with the African American community when the LGTBQ struggle is compared to the Civil rights movement. I mean I see them both as equal struggles for basic human rights.

OH GOD yes please. Yes it got a little long in the tooth towards the end but I would have loved to have seen what it would have been like with Santos or even a Vinnick administration had it gone the other way.

Thank You for the clarification. Much appreciated and also that you didnt go all agro on me LOL as with the internet now a days I am a bit scared to comment or ask questions for fear someone may take offense and start a barrage of negativity. So a genuine non-aggressive response to my query is greatly appreciated.

I still dont understand. Bare with me I am not being sarcastic or combative in any way. I am jus trying to understand your point.

Just as a rule........... If you have to tell or remind people that you are a good guy then you aren’t a good guy.

That’s it!!! Where do I go to turn in my liberal membership card? I just I mean I don’t even........ WTF “RAPE”.............. and we’ve finally gone too far.

Rather shower with a Gay teammate than a theif wich Amare is cuz he robbed the Knicks blind

As a liberal I have to ask this question.... Please understand it a litirall question and I am not being snarky. I genuinely would like to know

I really hate to have to keep saying this but imagine the GOP’s collective head explosion had this been someone within the Obama Administration? I know. I know that pretty much can be said about any and everything this administration has done thus far.

That’s what was disappointing about my mother voting for him. She does walk the walk but not in annoying sort of way which I think was even a bigger let down.