
Those of you who believe his stance is due to Social Injustice are giving this idiot way, way too much credit.

It is obvious to me that this was all part of his master plan. The kid clearly saw the writing on the wall....... His career was pretty much over prior to this, but now he can use the whole “I was black balled” or I was persecuted for my “Social Stance” excuse rather than owning up and admitting to himself that he

Uh obviously he has never heard of the 86 Mets. Hell, I mean, Kevin Mitchell even decapitated a cat “Allegedly” and they still managed to win it all. Suck It Merrill

I to have found that I am far less annoying now that I put down the beer and picked up the medically prescribed cannabis vape pen

It’s almost as if the Chargers learned nothing from the AJ Smith era.

I would prefer Beiber or any one of the Kardasian/Jenner Clan (Kanye included)

Tom this really should be a “Why your team SUCKS San Diego Padres” edition. As Padre’s fan, who is by no means a genius when it comes to baseball, even I can tell you that the reason this team sucks. It’s because they are the home for OTHER Teams future Stars (see Mike Rizzo, AGon, Fred McGriff, Gary Sheffied, heck

I always wondered what the choir behind Mick was going on about. Thanks for the clarification

Glad to know that I am not the only one who silently thinks “FUCK” every time I hear the name “Shaq” without being followed by “O’Neil”. I could swear I was just 20 like 24 weeks ago rather than the truth which is 24 years ago.

I believe Toni Kukoc is man enough to pull off Toni with an “I”

All I know is, I was watching the Democratic National Convention and a Trump “Make America Hate Again” Rally broke out

You mean other than themselves obviously

I may be wrong so don’t quote me on this, but I believe it is out of the UFC’s hands. I think decisions like this is up to the Nevada State Athletic commision. I don’t believe a signed waiver would be enough for them to clear the fight. I mean say Jones gets in there and destroys DC irreparably, sure they would have a

The point is by taking less money to bring in more high priced talent, which did earn him championships, but also earned prestige and generated a lot more money for Arison. I mean one title alone generates a butt load more money let alone 4 titles. You pay the man what he wants for three years to make him whole and

Duron, you should know better. I taught you better than this. What you did wrong here is you forgot to have a fall guy - Chris

Thank you for your very thoughtful and insightful commentary. You really drove the point home. I feel like you should considering adapting it for the stage like a one man show. “Football is fucking stupid” drop the mic and BOOM walk off the stage. If you really think about it almost all sports can be considered

My only regret is that I have but one “recommend” to give for your comment. Well done Sir and in honor of your brilliance

OH Hell NO!!!! Leave Deadspin alone you bastards. I started reading when I saw Bissinger go at Leitch on Costas Now and been hooked ever since. It’s by far my favorite form of interwebs entertainment. I can do without ESPN, Fox Sports etc. etc. etc. I need my Deadspin. If only they would bring back the “Drunken Hookup

So by his reasoning then should we show leniency and blame booze when a drunk driver kills someone? I mean after all, if not for the booze chances are they wouldn’t have made the poor decision of getting behind the wheel. Can we all agree that the only acceptable things to blame on booze is “Drunk Dialing or texting