Really Stupid Dumbass

Divide and conquer is the only way they stay relevant.

Its arrogant to call my simple statement arrogant. Trump was already President. Millions more voted for him in 2020 than in 2016. Biden has been a much better President than I, a real, live Bernie/Squad supporter could ever hope for. Those policies will continue and he can be pushed more to the left in a second Biden

If Trump gets back in to the White House, American democracy is over.

Hm. Too many spaces and not enough AllCaps.

and/or die

“He didn’t say it.”

It’s been a decade-plus of him ruining America and he still won’t shut up and go away.

Now playing

Are we sure it was Will & Grace that got Trump crushing on Messing? If anything, he was probably under the delusion that she was more like her character on Seinfeld:

But I mean who wouldn’t immediately fall for a guy who looks like this?

I’d be curious to see the gap in people who watched The Apprentice when it was originally on, but did not/would never even consider voting for Trump for president. I’m sure it’s more substantial than he realizes.

God, I’m so fucking tired of relentlessly exhausting orange fuckball.


They should call the SMILE sequel ‘2MILE’ haha *dies*


I live my life knowing this man would’ve hated everything about me

This might well be a good movie, but it really feels like a "I'll wait until it hits streaming" movie.

The joke got old decades ago and the point now is only cruelty.



I always chuckle when people hate George W. Bush but love our current president Barack Obama. Yet there is no difference in policy between these 2 leaders. Go ahead and tell me one thing Obama has done different than George Bush and I will take back what I said. - gibson29, san diego, United States, 8/3/2013 16:14