Oh, well ya, there is that. But after 4 years of pirating, i've gotten a total of 3 letters.
Oh, well ya, there is that. But after 4 years of pirating, i've gotten a total of 3 letters.
Is there a reason Pirate Bay won't do? There is a top 100 page that shows the most popular torrents. And i don't thinks ive ever found a bad quality torrent there.
Finally made it to one of these. Quite fun.
I use hideipvpn.com
My mountain bike goes in the dirt, has two wheels, and going down random trails around here is fun...
Uhm, lots of Metal shows? Is that a fine way to celebrate your birthday this week?
I'd pay for a VPN. Fairly cheap, and shouldn't slow you down to much.
I'm sure it did. They only included the most exciting terms. Nobody wants to read a list of a million terms like (iphone, ultrabook, android).
yeah its $475 - hell to the no
Don't know, but they only way I could think to do it would be disabling all temperature monitoring and running the computer at 100% till it melts down.
What the fuck are you saying?
Ask my children that in 85 years.
Exactly what I was thinking, I'll wait until i'm 90, and if I get 3 autistic children, 4 schizos, 3 normals, but just one superhuman, I will die a happy man.
Indeed, if just using BMI, I should look like the guy all the way to the right. In reality im close the middle one.
Agreed that its probably very loud. But not insanely so. This video has sound, and unless they put a crapton of money into mics, the thing doesn't go over 110 DB. Can't hear any of the usual artifacts that come with such high levels into regular video mics.
Well you could just get the shutter mechanism replaced I imagine.
Dear Watermelon,
He, hope you caught that he was joking...
I actually really wish theyd go back to gallery. This view is very confusing.