
THANK YOU for talking about wear bars. I’m in tire design with Michelin and it boggles my mind how many places online tell people to go find a penny to check the depth. We are government regulated to put 6 sets of wear bars around a tire (not as easy as it sounds) and people don’t even know they exist...

I am putting my car-salesman hat on. Its a NP. Well desired, ‘old people in South Carolina/Florida with tons of money’ following, VERY clean, low mileage, and rare color.

I was waiting to pipe in the same. The W8 is a camry (ok, maybe more like a 10 year old former rental car Malibu) compared to the V10 TDI. I still own one and just in the last 6 months it’s cost me $4280 (failed center drive shaft bearing, failed glow plug and had all 10 replaced).

I would love to own a Donk. I fear that a pasty white dude such as myself would be mocked mercilessly.

Please don’t do that. We don’t like open flames in airplanes. If you’re not mature enough to handle a flight sober, just eat the pot instead.

We all should be so dedicated to the cars we love, even the weird ones.

Fixed it for you.

Can’t believe my question was picked. Thank you very much for all of the advice. This has made my decision process much easier!

My Sis in law drives a TT up in the Utah mountains and they live up a street that is the last to get plowed. Last time she drove out in 2 feet of snow no problem, and the snow went right up over the hood like an unwary pedestrian.

You’re right. There are so many other light-weight sports cars these days... wait... no there aren’t!

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! EPic!

Have you been around people?

It’s got one main fuel gauge and a “precise” one for the last quarter! How weird is that?


Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

The cop that pulled him over

It’s asshole vs asshole for sure, but I’m going with the asshole abusing his position of authority over the asshole needlessly wailing on his horn in annoyance.

Project Redwood.

Exactly any complaint or anger shouldn’t be taken against the person utilizing gaps in the law. The anger should be against governments for allowing these loopholes.

Awesome breakdown, appreciate the level of detail it went into. Will hopefully help quell some internet arguments about it being “basically the same”. Putting the diagrams up side-by-side really helps with spotting the differences.