Sassy After Death

Being hateful all the time ages you fast.

“We have not fired anyone and replaced them with AI systems. However we are looking into that possibility and can’t wait to do it in the future.”

I have this and I need to play it.

Repeat after me

He’s such a piece of shit. 

Personally if I hear about the death rates going up in red states because the medical professionals left, I’d be fine with that. I’m beyond trying to reason with the republican scum and have no problem seeing them die off because of their policies.

I’ll say 2 and half days. The number of trolls who will call in to pollute the system is going to be very high.

I’m just glad she got away from her scumbag parents. You can’t chose the family you are born into, but you can chose the family you want to be in.

There was a reason she was called the “Bicycle” in the trailer park.

Pro-life ends when the baby is born.

She’s so out of touch with common people, she has no idea of what issues they face.

I have no idea who any of these people are.

The latter probably. Texas has given carte blanche to the scum in that state to be as cruel as they want to others.

If you’re in Alabama, forget about ever getting EV’s. EVs are a liberal plot to destroy America so they’ll be banned in that state.

I hope the ham sandwich was dry.

Hm let me check if I have any sympathy for Meta..

I hope her ass stays chapped for the rest of her life.

Well we know that Texas will lead the way in that

Agreed. I’ll never move to Epic because Steam was my first online store and that’s where most of my games are.