Sassy After Death

EV doesn’t work for me at the moment because I live in an apartment complex that doesn’t have chargers. There are Tesla superchargers at a Target down the road, but I’m not buying a Tesla. Once I can go a couple of blocks to the local “gas” station and charge there, then I’ll consider buying an EV.

I have a laptop provided by work. When that is setup and running, I’m in work mode. When I have my personal laptop setup and running, I’m on my time and don’t pay attention to anything work related (unless it’s an emergency). I realize that not everyone can do that, but I seem to pull it off okay.

He wants to micromanage them. Nothing else

I would normally say “This is what they voted for so fuck ‘em!”

Thank you kind sir for the suggestion! I shall contact them now!

Hm considering I live in a rolled up newspaper in the middle of a hole in the street, I have to know which one can deliver to me.  I’ll pay extra for this.

That’s a nice merkin, where can I get one?

I was waiting for that to get to D+. I wasn’t willing to pay to see it in theaters.

Someone should have helped those jerks off the train at that point.

Probably has another account “he” uses to ungray himself.

I’ve often thought about doing a PR campaign about how great vasectomies are. Aim the messages at the MAGAs and their like. Tell them that after wards, they can have all the sex they want and never worry about having any more kids. Make the procedure as cheap as possible.

“Pro-life” ends the moment the baby is born.

he won’t care what he did to Florida. 

The Disney lawyers smell blood in the polluted Florida water.

I don’t really pay attention to the reviews anyhow (unless they are unanimous on how much the game sucks). I just get what I want to play. 

When you are appointed by people who get bribes from the pharmaceutical industry, you are going to be hostile to anything OTC. If all the common medications were OTC, then the drug companies wouldn’t make as much money as they do.

the moment that shitstain was elected, we were doomed. It showed the republicans how they can take over and the Democrats voters don’t seem to care (always vote in local and state elections. ALWAYS!!!)

Congrats to them!!

I fully expect America to have a robust and wide ranging EV charger network about 50-100 years after the rest of the world was already there.

Huh, looks likeMew 2 has power in the real world as well.