Yeah, but she has no ass and cries on chairs sat in the middle of public streets.
Yeah, but she has no ass and cries on chairs sat in the middle of public streets.
The last time I was called for jury duty it was a case involving a man who abused his daughter. I had to admit in open court to being sexually assaulted and said as a result I couldn’t be impartial in the case.
I forgot she exists, thanks for reminding me, my hateorade glass was half empty today and now I’m FULL!
This lady is ridiculous. I had jury duty a few months ago, and I was excited to serve after watching Making A Murderer. I wanted to be the kind of juror that wouldn’t let such an obvious miscarriage of justice happen, to be the person who held the prosecutor accountable to the legal standard “beyond a reasonable…
Yes, let’s be friends.
I’m sure that Rule 34 covers that situation inappropriately.
Don’t listen to Mr. Spaghetti. Come sit next to me.
I don’t blame her. Most jury boxes don’t allow you to stand with one leg in front of the other, slightly raised. You have to sit, and then nobody can look at your butt.
Get out.
I feel like there was a real missed opportunity to deploy “Jury Booty” at least once in this post.
My son has ADHD and I wouldn’t want him on a jury either. However, that has more to do with him being only 9 years-old and not some contrived superficiality (though, I have little doubt she’s a master practitioner). My guess is my son and Jen have roughly the same emotional and intellectual development from what I…
I've gotten one jury duty notice but I was on the reserve list and never even got called in. Meanwhile, my husband gets those letters at least once a year. It's not fair! I want to participate in the system!
I actually enjoyed my first and only time serving on a jury, though it made me painfully aware that a jury of my peers is not who I want judging me. I thought the whole process was entirely interesting, though my fellow jurors were dumb as rocks. The whole thing ended up having to be retried because one of the jurors…
Heidi said it first.
Are you trying to say Social Media Star and Advocate for Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, and Positive Thinking isn’t a real job??
If the main perk of jury duty is paid time off, then I guess when you don’t have a real job, it kind of loses its appeal.
I’m incredibly judgmental and shallow as well, I’ll need to remember this when I get called up.
At least she was honest.