
They should bring back peanuts, there is a vaccine for peanut allergy now. It is on the allergic if they refuse to take it, not us. Besides, I typically take peanuts on planes as a snack, and never once have I seen one of those alleged “if one person eats nuts within a mile of me, I could die” allergies.

So Elle stands with accused rapists over their victims? Good to know...

None of this shit surprises me in the least. All the police are is modern day slave catchers.

“Food may be the most effective form of propaganda,” Mishan writes. “It humanizes: When we dine with strangers, we learn something of who they are.”

So that excuses america’s evil, because “N’uh, Germans killed jews! We’re not so bad”.. specious reasoning. I never once said racism and bigotry were eliminated in Europe - of course not, they are alive and well today — but SLAVERY AND SEGREGATION were removed as a form of legal and acceptable norms 60 years before

Why are you americans surprised by this? Your country was the last of the western civilized nations to grip onto slavery... NEARLY 60 YEARS after the last European country had made it illegal, you monstrous lunatics clutched onto it. Not only that, once you did abolish it (and it took a fucking civil war to do it,

By extension, our law enforcement agencies are now officially terrorist organizations.

Ya’ll can have all this posturing and time wasting. All the Tweets and showboating don’t mean shit. Until these muvafuckas are under the prison I won’t hold my breath on change.

He should know headaches, his wife gets them every night.

More than anything, this is an indictment of U.S. food inspection. Because we have less transparency in food labeling and less rigorous food safety standards than bodies like the EU, people are looking for alternatives to government. This is purely a product of the FDA, USDA, EPA, etc. being agencies captured by the

As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.

Always assume the cop is lying.

And then giggled and was all, “but really, can you imagine. Like I barely made it through that line with a straight face”. Because we all know that is bullshit. Cops are always corrupt.

There was a mass extinction event in late 2016. We all died, and this is hell. 

Yep.. my I’m taking my black self to Joannesburg for AfroChella 2021! And no.. I will not carry my black ass to the Missus-Sip.

Complete stab in the dark before reading, just based on the title: this what they do. He probably will be chief of police before the end of his tenure with whatever department he works for. Also, because I have come to the conclusion that most police officers are shit, or at the very least, allow other shitty officers

So Twitter will put you in the Twitter Corner for telling someone that they’re a bitch ass but actually breaking the law is a-okay.

“We hope this kind of money will act as a deterrent,”

He’s the immoral one but these men and women sleeping on the street are SURROUNDED by millionaires EVERY DAMN DAY.
1) His money goes into the hands of the needy instead of some “non-profit” that takes 15% off the top.
2) Billionaires could do this once a month and not make a dent in their pocket. But they don’t.
3) He

The real fight should be about why Einstein's Bagels are the worst. That is just a roll with a hole in it. Bring them and you're getting a shiv to the kidney. I don't mess with bagels.