5%... ummm.. that seems a little too generous for the repubs.. I’m thinking its more like a 1% off the next meal coupon.
5%... ummm.. that seems a little too generous for the repubs.. I’m thinking its more like a 1% off the next meal coupon.
I know right?.. someone that spends an inordinate amount of time on this board denigrating everyone, using specious arguments and “whataboutism” to paint and entire group as “bad” or “wrong” on the actions of a VERY few (who I might have not power over anyone’s life unlike the police who by their very job are…
Why disrespect a simian like that by associating it with that Samhain creature? I mean actual apes have better manners.
I really fail to understand why this is even a concern.. confirmed bachelor, married, GF, or “Girl” Friend... it doesn’t matter.. so long as the person in question is of legal age and with him willingly (why I don’t know as he’s a terrible person, but hey cheato got married 3 times so.... ) it shouldn’t matter..
She’s 100% wrong on so many things..
Congress controls the purse strings, for how much is allocated to each “pocket” and high level spending (i.e.: so much is allocated for troop management/families, and so much is allocated for vehicles and upkeep) based on the budget proposals given to Congress by the Pentagon).. but…
The sad part is they KNOW it works..
Look at what happened from 2016 onward.. statements that have as much basis in reality as kids love nothing but veggies but because it was repeated ad nausium it became the truth.. and people would fight to believe that version of the truth..
Legally speaking there ISN’T much they can do until he’s convicted. as I have said many times... a lot of the structure of the US laws (especially with the presidency) is based on formality and faith in the integrity of the person running and the others in government.. when that all goes corrupt, there isn’t really…
Assuming he’s not fobbing the kids off on a nanny or others and actually doing the parental duties... then yes.. he should get props for that.. Far too many parents (gender doesn’t matter here) are quick to pull in a surrogate for the difficult/time consuming stuff and be there for the “fun” things.
There is enough soap, water, therapy, and surgery to get rid of that...Dealing with cheato is pretty much Herpes...
No cure, you just live with it and everyone takes precautions around you.
He might pick her only because then he can claim “see, I hire dar.. err.. I mean “black” people.. so I’m not a racist, sexist, lying, cheating, scum bag that pond scum look down on...”
Or something to that effect.
But she only eats the shit from him.... so I don’t see a diet working out very well for her..
Actually you would be surprised.. hell a lot of women even on this board are cheering her on. So yes, its highly likely that his team is putting ANYTHING out.. the courts already know the details based on paperwork filed.. And its not like she has a career to speak of besides raising the kids so details like this…
But why should he feel sorry about embarrassing him.. He’s a politician.. he NEEDS to have thicker skin then that.... come on, you think in politics your opponents are going to pass you pre-screened questions... especially on topics that interest them?.. If he can’t handle a 15 year old asking a question that…
Don’t insult the Dollar store like that.. she’s MUCH lower than that... maybe Salvation Army?... No... they don’t take trash...
Waste Management... there we go.. Say that “Waste Management Woman”.
The part I never understand is when people say things like:
Of course there is..
Remember, everyone from Cheato down to the local watering hole wants to blame everyone darker than Skim Milk or pee’s sitting down for all their woes (ignoring the financial/social raping the wealthy white men are doing which hurts them) and have been doing it for decades..
All it takes is the…
To our perpetual gadfly Samhain, who loves to give simply false things.
The main difference is Europe actually demands some protections for its workers....
The US is pretty much, “sucks to be you if the boss wants to slave you out” place. So its up to the individual company to actually treat (or at least pretend to treat) people right rather than any sort of government mandate/enforcement.
Yeah, I have often said that.. That any official (and that includes judges) should have a max of 30 years of service.. (regardless of starting age) and president starting age should be capped to 62 (which puts their final age after 2 terms of 70 if they get 2 terms)
The idea being they don’t life long enough to…
I’m personally worried about younger rethugs getting in as they are far more militant.. the older ones are terrible but at least pretend to be “even” the younger ones pretty much say up front “screw you!!!”
So on one hand, less BS to wade through.. on the other hand, the descent into madness is more of a drop rather…