
Who said anything about holding the child blameless...

I don’t recall ever saying “the child should be blameless, its all the parents fault”..

What I said was “the parents should ultimately be held responsible”. No different than insurance companies holding YOU responsible for your actions if you run over someone..

This is not a black or “other” thing... this is a “I believe the parents should be held accountable for the actions of their child up until they are considered a legal adult” thing.. full stop.. I don’t care about race, sexual orientation, if the child jaywalked or shot 50 people.. it doesn’t matter.. Since pretty

If she’s a gold digger then she got scammed.. Cheato is a gold plated turd... shiny on the outside... buuuuttttttt... we know what’s inside is worthless.

More likely there is a prenup clause about jail time and stipends to be paid in that eventually.. he seems like the type to write in something like, “extreme legal issues will bar my female associate, to be known publicly as “wife” from collecting any additional money or adjustments to the financial terms laid out in

If I can add a little more historical context:

1786, earlier neger (1568, Scottish and northern England dialect), negar, negur, from French nègre, from Spanish negro (or black).

From the earliest usage it was “the term that carries with it all the obloquy and contempt and rejection which whites have inflicted on blacks”

But that’s just it... parents ARE (at least until the age of legal adult) held accountable (in most cases) for the actions of their children.. The problem is this is done selectively rather than a blanket (ALL actions).. Personally speaking, I think under the age of 18, parents SHOULD be held liable for the actions of

I disagree slightly..

SOME of his MOST ORGANIZED violent base are already in jail.. There are still many others that are less organized (to say nothing of the individuals... or as the media loves to dub them: lone wolves.. They are not really “lone wolves”.. more like individual wolves that have a common goal but are

I agree she COULD do something with PR.. but again, the other wrinkle in this is she’s NOT a part-time resident in PR. (people tend to do more when it aligns with their own interests.. most of the mega donors to HI recently have been those with (financial) ties to the island. (Bezos owns land there, Same for Oprah,

And I think you missed the comment I made about that..

The state government does NOT want her (or anyone) stepping in.. There have been numerious attempts (some by celebs, some by others).. and in all cases, it ultimately went no place because its a problem the state government doesn’t want FIXED... (why is an open

You would be surprised..

Not to mention there are a lot of people that simply want to ban ANY public access to sexual health (including reproductive health).

As a society, we are taking massive leaps BACKWARDS to the “dark ages” when people’s reproductive knowledge was limited to just knowing it involves a man and woman and that’s pretty much

Again, I’m not going to inject more than what’s said..

But I personally don’t have an issue with this, even if this was my child. From what we do know (based on the details) that the child entering has happened multiple times (how many we don’t know).. with no resolution (I don’t know if the parents were brought into

Correct, and her acknowledging her loss of temper and not trying to shift the blame (what’s it this week?.. Advil made me do it?) gives her a point in her favour.. too many cases where people do crap like this (or far worse) and then want to blame everyone/everything including the victim as opposed to simply “Hey, I

Yeah, the pulling of the sister’s hair makes no sense.. and definitely moves the bar.. (I forgot about that part).

WEEELLLLLL..... I have no problem with her hitting the child.. PROVIDED:

This was a plastic (soft) bottle to get the child’s attention and not some glass bottle that can cause harm/maim and this was a child that should never have been there in the first place because he’s not a resident.

BUT if she’s going off on a

Lets just say for arguement sake that there is potential for human traffiking.. So they are saying that “human traffiking” (and statistically most are women) is such a minor concern that they don’t have the bandwidth to investigate?

I mean this is pretty much: You are a woman, and aren’t worth anything.
I won’t help you

In a democratic republic structure, there is a VOTE.. and sadly if the vote is close, then little wannabe dictators like him CAN hold up things..  So its not a matter of just “do their job”.. its these little wannabe’s that screw up things because the concept of people having control over their OWN BODIES and making

I’m confused, was the kid and/or his family residents?

You realize they are completely different situations right?

I see this two ways..

1: A lot of people are ragging a media person for bringing in cameras.. And while I have no personal issue with this, it does strike a little like poverty porn for those that want to think negatively.

2:  Bringing in a Camera is GOOD, BECAUSE she’s a celebrity and they can tug the heart strings of