
Why are we bringing up “historically”?.. I mean when you get down to it, historically men (in general) have treated women (in general) quite badly (ranging from dismissal and overlooking to physical/mental abuse). And historically white men, have done their fair share of abuse to women of all stripes.. (some

Actually the skrulls knowing how to use their powers make sense..

They are shapeshifters, and its been established that when they take on the role of someone (with their memories), they “become” them to an extent and the powers is just another manifestation of that.. And presumably both know HOW to fight as well..

Oh, I’m not saying Florida is some “prize” to be had... just that this foolishness and the resulting vacating by others may be the intent so they can have their “rich straight white” utopia in which the only thing brown allowed is the occasional piece of bread.

Technically speaking, its not election tampering.. though it rides dangerously close to it and even then its difficult to prove given the people IN government/the courts have to agree it is, and you know this will fall on deaf ears for many... it is collusion though and it does abridge the rights of their citizens to

Does anyone wonder if that is the intent?

Remember, these are the idiots that fervantly believe into a “white” (or those that can pass for “white”) ethnostate. So this could simply be part of their design.. to essentially drive “others” out of the state..

Remember, in their mind, as long as “you loose” they win. (it

I have said it a million times.. the police in the US are just a legal crooks, and their antics with citizens (either by design or without consideration) turn everyone into a us (the citizens) vs. them (the police).

That “battleline” creates a prime “working” area for the criminals.. both because their own antics get

Not common practice... but it did (and I bet in a lot of small towns still does) happen.

Technically speaking, anything that is paid by others that has a societal benefit is socialist in nature.. That’s the part I will never understand, people IN the jobs they owe to “socialism” (like fire fighters, police, grade school teachers, etc...) complain about socialism (even though they have a financial gain

Oh believe me, I know... I have sadly spent WAAAYYYY too much time around doctors (socially and professionally) and in various forms, they have all said this is a real thing that happens when people hear what they want to hear.. they would rather change the source (which aligns to their desires) rather than deal with

Keep in mind in the 60's the airlines were still regulated.. which meant they focused on a decent profit margin for operational costs, but it was about producing a quality product because PROFIT was not the main motivator.

When they deregulated the industry, that changed it from “make operational money plus some

I know..

All they care about is statistical probabilities..If anything, I would say that is a VERY telling bit there.. Because they are looking at the liklihood of a big payout (most likely due to climate related issues) and are diving into the actual raw data (apolitical since politics mean very little to the dead)

Given the nature of the show, you can’t keep going “up” without having a “wrap up” episode. And given this story has ties to other stories, this is the “wrap up episode” which starts to close the story and leaving it on a “cliffhanger” which then ties to whatever bigger fabric they are weaving.

I would be careful.. some Karen may catch you and then you are risking your life over verification of goods.

These days, I just grow my own stuff.. I don’t worry about pesticides, I worry about some trigger happy badge thinking an arm flex is a “gun grab”.

I mean Futurama did it as a joke, but its sadly quite true:

You are correct, and I have no problem with them pressing charges.. (though if its as the father says, he had schizophrenia and was KNOWN in the community for this), this is another case where the police (armed) shouldn’t have been involved but rather mental wellness persons could have taken him in peacefully.. sure

Sadly not only history, but reading comprehension it seems, as the author actually says in the beginning:

I wish it were that simple.. but unless someone can prove a “pay to play” event, or there is evidence that X action lead directly to Y action, its subject to interpretation.. and you KNOW how that vote is going to go down.. (given most of the people this would impact are also the ones that are going to vote on it).


This is all we need for the Q-anon loonies to come out and proclaim “Pizzagate is real”

Actually considering other white men (and women) got promoted, its not even racism.. The city leaders themselves called this “without merit” (here is the AP article on it:

But hey, whatever wins the lawsuit you know.. 2 guys out of an

So I’m not going to ungrey the idiot.. but I think he’s missing the entire point.

And ironically this falls within the spectrum of the much ballyhooed “personal responsibility”. If the mother CHOSES to endanger her child that’s her choice.. with all the consequences that come with it.. However if a police officer (or

My bet is on C.