
About the only thing Liberals fear is that combover... Most of us have a LOT better style than that.

The entire situation is fucked up... the shooting is the shit flavoured cherry on top.

Oh trust me, I make ALL my own food.. (Hell, if I could get a good deal on a half animal (half Pig, half cow, etc...) would even slaughter my own.. but as it stands, we don’t eat any “prepared” (or pre-packaged) foods in my home.. but in traveling, my options are limited....

The largest downside to cooking everything

Let me see.. I can think of a conspiracy theory that will get it on Fox news..
Thinking... thinking.. Got it.
White Gladius (clearly a Black Orca that dreams of joining “their betters”) is really a leftist liberal whale that was influenced by the Soros camp to wreck havoc on the peaceful upper middle class who were

Not sure about that.. I’ve had a cold nugget or two in my time and usually after the first one, the container it came in starts to look (and taste) more appetizing.. but it depends on the nugget as well.. (some brands are practically paper wood anyway)

Remember to Christian Conservative Republicans (CCR.. ummm interesting), you living your life is not the problem.. you living your life that does not conform to THEIR wishes/guidelines means you are “evil” and need to be destroyed.

Remember what they crave above all else is uniformity to their beliefs..  EVERYTHING

Surely you jest... I mean for most of the republican politicians, one of the “good ones” simply means they have’t burned/targeted you YET... most of us feel the heat and smells the cooked flesh and sulfur and skedaddle out of town.

Oh, she has ideas, its just most are too vile to be uttered in an area being recorded.. but you can bet she’s a hoot at the annual KKK festival at the Trump properties. But they don’t allow camera/recording equipment there for obvious reasons.

Some schools.. (not all) do provide a microwave for kids to warm up their food brought from home.. So it may not be as bad as you think..

Still.. That seems like a lot for lunch.. I feel sorry for her after lunch teacher.

Keep in mind, that’s just to feed/cloth and the usual incidentals (ironically the single largest expense which they don’t mention is the birth itself which can be upwards of 30K just to HAVE the child in the US).. It doesn’t include things like education (which going by most conservative wishes, that cost will be

Actually I have a slight disagreement with your statement.

They would give birth at a rate below replacement rate based on CURRENT living persons, but this ignores the fact that humans are still part of the world and as such, we do (As a species to some extent) strive for homeostasis which means yes, the general

But that has ALWAYS been the problem in the US... Short term thinking..  Ignoring the fact that a little pain now can mean a BIG gain (or loss) later.  But the US is all about the “now” (never mind the past and fuck the future, that’s future me’s problem).  So its not a big shocker that she made that statement.

I’m far more worried that they will use it for anything else they don’t like.. Don’t like the fact that a hammer comes in “pink”.. Oh god, the world is ending, bash Target and get them to ONLY stock the blue ones.. (we KNOW they don’t like the Black ones for........ reasons).

No, its not irony.. its precisely why it was banned... Do you really think the cockroaches like it when you turn on the light?.. and so instead of scurrying like they used to do, now that hey have a toe hold they are yelling at you “Turn out that Light!!!”

Ahhhh well, the US WAS a fun place while it lasted, but all

Oh, I don’t even think his supporters (at least in politics and other influential positions, not the masses of mouth breathers) like him personally (I mean having met him personally in the 90's, I’ve met plagues I liked more than him).. he’s a means to an end for them and so they will support him because in their

Well upside, she is using USED chapstick which I’m sure has been smooching that orange prune he calls an Trump.. (or more accurately known as an arse).. so its true what they say.. what goes around, comes around.

I think you guys are missing the point.. this is just chum in the water for his supporters.. Like 99% of his statements, its false, but he doesn’t care because if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes its own truth.. (at least to those that WANT to believe)..

Remember in the US, if you have a REASONABLE case and not a

I’m not a GOP supporter, but I’m struggling the find a lie here as he’s clearly one.. the very definition of one. (at least in its intended meaning)

While she’s not wrong, a better plan would have been to have one each day on the various “micro aggressions” is heaped upon everyone rather than focusing on a singular group. You want to mention how being labeled a “karen” is bad.. fine.. but also illustrate HOW it game to pass, and the actions of those so-called

At least the onion is funny in a cringeworthy manner.. Fox.. is just sad and a little scary to think that people will actually RESPOND to their crap.. making me sad for humanity and praying every day for a meteor to strike the earth (which they will claim is a “leftist plot to control voting”)