
To be fair, a lot of rappers have done the dirty deeds in their song lyrics.. so what should they do?.. actually LISTEN to the criminals that are bragging or say “well, because we didn’t see the crime, we should just ignore it until someone else reports it?”.

I mean its not like she’s going after ALL rappers, she’s

Wouldn’t that be Ye’s men?

I’ll use the police rules here:

Car crashes and guns are completely different you know..

Until we have technology that stops cars from crashing INTO each other, they are discrete issues. (and to some extent we do, but it won’t be implemented in our lifetimes due to idiots running around screaming “freedumb”) OR we have have resurrection abilities OR

The biggest part is people really don’t understand what the president’s role is.. and that works in favour of the opposition because they can lay any/all “pain” on the president even if he has no real control over them.

Example: I can see Biden coming out and saying “price gouging is bad” and then the republicans will

Actually its a combination of things..

In the past there was a much bigger gap between the “rich” and the “poor” and most of the rich came from generational wealth who were very insular with their displays of wealth.. and then you had the middle class and poor who were in their own world.

Now, you have a lot of “paper

Nothing.. what she wants is everyone to simply stop talking about the gun deaths (not going to happen) and change is lost (true) because until BOTH sides want to make some REAL meaningful changes.. (and kick the NRA out of the equation), nothing is really going to happen.

I personally contend that we need MORE gun

I’m not sure where we SHOULD draw the line..

But I am opposed in blanket rules that lack nuance and don’t take character/intent into consideration.. and for almost all these rules, they simply are a “Don’t do X”.. and rules like that are usually taken to the extreme to avoid legal entanglements rather than focus on

You may cheerfully say a fuck you, but the rules that are being pushed out are NOT based on context, they are aiming for simple “dumb” rules because they are more concerned about what’s legally actionable than what’s best long term that opens the door for anyone to portray anyone based on their abilities to convey

I don’t really see a problem with this.. I do think in our quest for diversity, we are are going a little too far which both emboldens the racists to push back, but also makes it practically difficult for many, and especially those in Hollywood who’s VERY JOB is to BE another character.

Actually you will tinker and play with the recipe for a long time to balance out the whisky/rye chosen.. for example, not all will be best with that recipe.. So in the bartending world, we often consider recipes more guidelines rather than rules so we can adjust based on the spirit used (and even temp and water (used

What Japan did was during WAR TIME OCCUPATION.. (news flash, almost all countries including the US and others) did quite horrible things to those under their control during the WW1 and WW2 and I should point out the US did even more during its various other military occupations (My Lai Massacre ring a bell?)

Slight correction..

Its been tried in the US, but a lot of voters have been bitching about it and those that introduce it or support it tend to get ousted later because of people being stupid and not understanding.. and buy into lies about what it actually means..

It does.. but the problem is “invisible” so the average voter doesn’t see it.. and then swallows the explanations of the various political parties which seek to demonize the homeless and use them as scapegoats for whatever issue they are currently engaged in (drugs, children, poverty, immigration, wearing a tan suit,

Yes they can be impeached, but as he’s their supporter, what is the likely hood of 75% (the percentage needed) voting to oust him?... Hint: VERY VERY small.

Remember, the republican party doesn’t care about ethics or the appearance of ethics. They ONLY care about power (they can’t win based on policies so they win

The problem with US law (and its government in general) is it depends on the ethics of the people in government... While the system itself is designed to prevent a single person or a tiny minority from being a tyrant, its NOT designed to protect itself against internal rot because it assumes the people going INTO

Actually if you read ALL the papers and documents opened for the case.. (I did because I was truly bored).. They were both terrible and toxic people harassed and sabotaged each other at various points in their “relationship” and shouldn’t be on the same planet together let alone married..

He just had a better lawyer..

Actually almond milk is fine for the environment.. but growing almonds in a climate not suited to growing them (ie: California which is a DESERT state that has been made livable due to our terraforming efforts) IS bad.. (and not so much bad as costly).

So lets not pick on almond milk.. its been around for CENTURYs