Maybe he meant being an example of what NOT to do?
Maybe he meant being an example of what NOT to do?
Why give alligators bad food that will rot their teeth and brains.. much better to drop them into an industrial mulcher which ends in an incinerator which then leads to a brick making factory.. (crap ash into cheap building material).
At least this way they could claim (and somewhat rightly) they are in fact helping…
The violence and drugs part I understand.. since there is a marked difference between “those things happen” to “these things are “good”” (TV/Music/Movies have always influenced others and portraying them as vehicles to a glamourous or even better life should be banned).
However when we get to:
Oh, sadly this “Karen” will get off without any major repercussions... The hospital is backing her and not even investigating the issue.. so its pretty much a slam dunk that they are going to blame everything on the patient.
As my grand father would say, “They may be my color, but they are certainly not my kind or kin”
That’s ALWAYS been the motto of the US (official and/or unofficial depending on the time frame given)
It doesn’t matter what she ACTUALLY is... if you play in the camp and believe you are, then in her mind, she is... and therefore gets to leverage the classics the same as any other Karen.
Remember kids, reality and personal perception don’t always align.
Why discard the classics?
I mean this ranks right up there with the classic breakup line: “Its not you, its me” and other notable ones like “The devil made me do it” or “I was sleep deprived” and my personal favourite, “You took my statement out of context”..
You do realize that #1: a lot of jews didn’t “hide” (ie: still practiced their religion) which led to many people essentially telling on them (ratting them) and once they were on someone’s radar, thats it..
2: They were SPECIFICALLY looking/hunting for jews in order to excise them from the population... vs. a cursory…
That’s America.. (which is..... fucked up)
But see, the difference is, some (many in fact) Jews can hide in plain sight.. which means unless someone is specifically targeting and searching for them, they can simply pass for typical “light skinned” person which allows them to rise in power and then ensure a measure of equality (at least as far as they are…
Given the repubs have literally said “It doesn’t matter, just want him on the bus” I doubt its done anything significant to his numbers.. neither helped nor hurt his polling numbers. (which if true, shows again, most republicans don’t REALLY care about the issues or their convictions.... its just about the party)
Of course it is..
They want to weak/sick/infirm to die.. because then its easier to eliminate healthcare as a concern.. (if 40% of your population is impaired in some way.. then then its very hard to take a chopping block to things... but if that number drops to say 5% then its easy to paint THEM as the bad guy and…
Yes, but it depends on if its within EASY access to view from the street (ie: In the window facing outward).. or a wall inside that takes someone entering the property domain and looking through a window to determine if the sign is present..
No HOA I know specifies visibility standards on things inside the house... And…
So I wonder who’s going to do the crayon drawings so Walker can follow along?... it better be someone not over age 10 otherwise he might have a hard time following and claim “unfair” and “bias”. (a la Trump).
While I don’t believe ALL cops are bad..
While I don’t believe ALL cops are bad..
Being adjacent to the problem doesn’t somehow magically bestow any “rightness” to her.
I mean based on that logic... my grandmother fight for civil rights, so that should pass to me part of the family.. right?
Given the price of crack vs. the average salary of the police and their both zeal for abusing people AND at the same time, lack of interest in actually solving crime... this is certainly a cheaper solution.. And best yet.. you can actually SUE the crackhead for not.. well.. being a crackhead and doing their job (ie:…
And your point?.. Almost NO parent alive (or dead) exposes their child to THEIR life... I’ve known some of the whoriest people on the planet that would quite literally fuck anything too fast for them to catch become the most puritanical persons possible when their child is concerned.. some of the most drugged up…