
Evil, while effective, is rarely pretty.. (as this picture so clearly demonstrates)

I don’t think the party IS pro abortion.. because its not like abortion is the rallying point for dems. Historically its been around things like larger social issues (education, civil rights, equality, race relations), economics, and military conflict (to go or remain in war or vacate). Abortion for the most part has

But they won’t...

The GOP, after all, is the party that claims to empower women manage wealthy white women and empower wealthy white men.

I’m almost positive (can’t be 100% since I don’t know what’s in their heads) its to not scare off the moderates and the progressives.. but I think its a fools errand.. most republican moderates have a world view similar to yours in that, while they have good intentions (on paper anyway) the dems are ineffectual at

Again, depends on what clauses are in the contract...

I think people forget.. it boils down to what his contracts say..

I’m positive most artists have clauses in their contracts that they get paid regardless of if they perform.. (I know if I was writing such a contract, I would negotiate that, since no matter what, I’m expending time/money to appear and if I appear at X

You do realize that in the realm of political power.. you can’t just DO whatever the hell you want without a lot of backing and “evidence”... (otherwise, the courts, lobbies, unions, white nationalists, conservatives, and morons/nut cases of various stripes will be on their hides demanding a recall and blood (and not

Don’t worry, they will find another department and move on with their lives..

The police in the US have almost no real accountability on their actions.. if a doctor nicks the wrong thing and causes either death or harm, they would be lucky to get a job treating a stuffed teddy bear at the local Build-a-Bear. But if an

A blind gnat with missing antennas saw this coming.. I mean the only thing people had money on is what month/year.. but NO one said “its going to last forever”. (given both of their track records and personalities).

Actually its going to be worse that that.. they are using the carrot method to get people to agree by basically saying “you get pregnant, you get money”.. and all the self-serving conservatives, and everyone else on the fence are going to be tempted by the simple economics of it.. And once you get critical mass, it

Careful, that’s how she got pregnant with these sort of ideas.. its better to stick it in other place.. at least it won’t have many lasting effects for the rest of us.


We are talking statistically significant numbers for it to be a cautionary tail, NOT a guarantee.. There is no single demographic that is guaranteed to die from COVID..

Ahhhh.. ever popular “She was asking/begging for it” line..

To be fair, most sex dungeons typically don’t have a lot of running water (except provided by the occupants) and power.. most are more lighting, restraints (depending on the strength of the user(s) and number of users, this may need reinforcement), and possibly swings (again, number and weight might require


What I’ve done with this one is if your smoker has multiple levels, put the cream cheese on the top most rack (gets the least heat and smoke, and put the onions on the lower rack (most heat/smoke).. you want to caramelize the onions and smoke them.. while imparting a very light smoke to the cheese.. (the onions will


I think you need to read its history a bit more.. Remember, all this crap going on now, didn’t just pop in out of the eather.. its been there for a long time.. just not very well publicized.. but with the former asshole and his cronies still in positions of influence.. the insane fringe has become

After the hot wings?.. it depends.. are you trying to take others out.. if so, then the AC ducts.. if you want a solo exit, then the fire escape.