
"Even more romantic, for me, than love at first sight is the idea of everything working out in the end."

I loved the movie 'LA Confidential', so I read the book. I was so surprised how different it was from the movie, yet ultimately the movie still got the heart and soul of the story right. I hope this is the same situation.

Best hat in the Verse.

That made me laugh out loud. Bravo.

Hmm. That's really interesting. Makes sense, though. Visuals are so much better for explaining things than words, especially to people who don't know anything on a particular subject.

I remember geology as it was taught in my high school. Dry, dull, tedious. In a word: boring. This, however, was delightful. I can only wonder what other subjects pop-up books could enliven.

Children of Men

I like Chloe's look, too. I want to definitely re-watch the last season, at the very least, before this airs. I wonder if the movie will ever come to be?

The 24 teaser got me really psyched for some more Jack. I didn't realize how much I missed that show.

I was starting to wonder if I was the only one on this site who liked that ad. Yes, it was obviously tugging at the ol' heart strings, but I'll allow emotional manipulation when it's puppies and horses. Who can resist PUPPIES and HORSES?

Every time I see either Carl or any of the other children, I think how horrific it would be to grow up in that world. But then, they're probably adapting better than anyone, since they don't really know anything different. Carl probably remembers a little of the world before, but it's fading from memory fast. That's

This is outstanding! Thanks for sharing.

I'm looking forward to this series. I haven't read the comic, but I liked the movie and I like the story/character concept.

Water soluble paint, hopefully.

Excellent work! I loved it in the theater and can't wait to see it again. I think everything that was done to make it look like 'outer space' was ingenious.

I used to live in Northern Virginia and this happened all the time.

I second this. It also depends on when the snow falls. If there's 12", but there's time to get the roads and sidewalks plowed - a majority of the kids walk to school here - before school, then school's on. Otherwise, there's a delay or cancellation.

That would make for an interesting love triangle, now wouldn't it?

I'm excited for this article, plus all the recommendations in the comments. I've only read a fraction of these and am always looking for what to read next. Thanks!!

As much as I get upset when a show or movie doesn't go in the direction I want, I believe that we are there to see the creator's vision, which I can then judge accordingly. Only in that way will I be able to see something that hasn't occurred to me before. I want to be surprised more than I want my preconceptions