
Sad to see you go, but happy that you’re able to pursue your dream. I wish you the best and plan on following your writing over on Ars Technica.

I kept waiting for Senator Morra’s henchman to show up and remind Brian that he’s got to stay in the FBI because Morra wants him there. If he leaves, he’ll withhold the injection that counteracts NZT, etc. I was surprised that angle wasn’t at least mentioned, like in one of Brian’s voiceovers.

That last scene made me laugh and laugh and laugh. What an awesome way to end it. The animals win!!!

This is so cool! Just in a few pictures I saw waterbucks, impalas, hartebeests, a baboon and a warthog! Also a jeep/truck full of tourists. It’s harder to identify creatures than I thought it would be. I’m not 100% sure about the hartebeests, but it was my best guess.

This is fascinating. I’d never heard this theory. I can see why some people would believe this. The animation makes it look real.

Great recap! I laughed out loud when the American forces suddenly materialized to save the team. This show is full-on camp and it’s awesome.

Those reviews are awesome! Great share.

It’s the legs that get me.

I tend toward freaking out about spiders and have been trying to de-sensitize myself by forcing myself to look at spider pictures, look at them close up when I encounter them, etc. These pictures (this article and in the comments section) is making me rethink that strategy. *shudder*

Nope, you’re not the only one. Its ridiculousness is epic and I love it.

Another solid, delightful episode. I’m sort of rooting for our heroes, but I gotta say, I’m more often rooting for the animals. Except when it comes to Clementine and her dog. Way to up the stakes, Zoo.

I think this show is the funniest I’ve seen in awhile. It is so ridiculously bad, I love it.

One of my faves....

I can see that. Although I feel it’s a missed opportunity that the body she is more comfortable in is as much a stereotype as the one she escaped from. But, if that is who she is, who am I say otherwise?

This video puzzles me. It presents very stereotypical views of male and female, i.e. women wear tight dresses and high heels and have long hair and wear lots of makeup and don’t have tattoos, while men have short hair and have tattoos and swear and are aggressive and smoke. How does that further the idea that gender

Both of those clips are hilarious. Sometimes I wonder if the writers do this deliberately. Like they think if they show something that is real and makes sense, people could duplicate it? Eh, probably giving them too much credit.

That's why I let my dog jump on me. There's no other way for him to tell me he's happy.

I can attest to the problem of incontinence. My dog, a Schipperke, is a rescue. His tail was docked so close to his rear-end that he ended up with a rectal prolapse. He bled constantly, which was resolved through surgery (they went in through his stomach and 'pulled' his colon/rectum back in), although he still has a

The whole premise is truly disgusting. That poor snake.

This definitely looks better than I was imagining it. So now I can go see it and not have to ignore that it exists!