
Wipeboard? Never heard it called that. Was always white board to me. Google tells me wipeboard is acceptable....

This on par with asking people in inconvenient public places (i.e. in your fucking way) politely to move and they just stand there and ignore you. That's when the bitch face comes out.

I think mint chocolate chip is ok because the ice cream "creamy" based counteracts the minty ness, same with the Shamrock shake. Who knows. I don't even like mint toothpase. Used to use the silly strawberry stuff from Tom's like a 2 year old.

Agreed. Feels like I am eating toothpaste. I hate mint things, except mint chocolate chip and Shamrock shakes.

This times a MILLION Kelly. People are so terrible at being critical of information, ESPECIALLY on the internet. Grown ass adults spread bullshit around on Facebook without even doing a simple Google search.

Gotta say, you're being too uptight. The Mortal Kombat franchise is known for over the top, stupidly over the top, gore "finish them" moves. The male characters get just as bad finishing moves as the women.

I think we're going to need to see some photos of said adorable, diva dog...mmmkay?

This is the closest I'd get to caring about the Superbowl in the least. Though I know Lynch is the notorious "I'm here so I don't get fined" dude. This was hilarious, as usual with Conan :)

While I haven't gone dress shopping yet, or you know even have a boyfriend, I guarantee it will be my mother.

She wrinkled her nose and constantly questioned my sister's choices for her wedding. My sister bought her dress online (and it looked amazing) so she dodged that bullet.

Oooo Lithuania yes please!

This is one of the funniest things to come out of SNL in a while. Brava Kate McKinnon! I was almost crying I was laughing so hard. Her voice is dead on!

I disassemble mine. My problem is the taste. It tastes like dishwasher. It's disgusting. I'm super finicky about the taste of my water. It has to be ice cold and not taste funky ;)

I disassemble mine. My problem is the taste. It tastes like dishwasher. It's disgusting. I'm super finicky about the

Mother put mine in the dishwahser without my knowledge. Tasted gross for sometime. Had to do a baking soda/vinegar rinse to get the nasty taste out.

Mother put mine in the dishwahser without my knowledge. Tasted gross for sometime. Had to do a baking soda/vinegar

I might have to get one of these next. Currently have the Eddy.

I might have to get one of these next. Currently have the Eddy.

I HATE Nalgene's. The opening is too big to drink from :( I have a Camelbak Eddy.

I HATE Nalgene's. The opening is too big to drink from :( I have a Camelbak Eddy.

Black undies with a yellow dress? Aw gurl, hell naw.

Am I missing something?

I hate the brofist thing. It's dumb.

Oh wait apparently I can't edit comments anymore?

HAHAHA thanks! It was actually a "I typed too fast and used the wrong word and didn't read back my comment" mistake. I'm a grammar nazi so to get schooled by another one is like, DAMN. Fixed it. I can't stand improper grammar or bad spelling either and it's very important at my job. (I'm a news director.) My Facebook