
I'm white and female and I do not agree with the verdict.

So I haven't been following this game at all, why does Batman have weird shoulder pads?

Kirby's Epic Yarn! Time to dust off the Wii.

I don't even have pierced ears and I want those. Also Emerald is my birthstone, :(

For someone who loves Devil May Cry so much you'd think you'd get the title correct. Snark aside, glad to see Jak on the list. Makes me want to go and boot up the good ol' PS2 and give it a spin. And yeah that game was hard. I know I hit a hard spot and had to give it a break for a bit before I could finish.

Hate to be that person but typo "They say not too politicize today's tragedy in Connecticut." *to I'm sure you were typing this on a deadline but thought you'd like to know. Cheers.

I am from Deer Isle-Stonington, and while the fishing industry is dominated by males, it's women like Genevieve who prove that they can play with the big boys. My female cousins and step-grandmother also fish and make a living for themselves.

Your babies name is Penelope? Awesome.

I agree with your comment. I think what also can be said about "girl" games is they tend to lack to the complexity of games made for males. Our culture is so ingrained with female stereotypes that of course video games continue on in that theme. I think people need to perceive games as being gender neutral and supply

I would turn the radio off in Fallout 3 and NV. I also turned the music off in WoW.

So relieved to come here and see this is Jezebel's stance. People are so misinformed and stupid about this! It's driving me crazy.

I'm looking forward to the next installment in the Alan Wake series although I have yet to finish all the DLC for the first game. I enjoyed the game and will come back to it at some point.

I am so excited so many people are upset at "no Talim". She's my girl. She is my Xbox icon. I haven't played Soul Calibur since Game Cube, (I'm a frugal/patient gamer) but maybe I'll pick up the last installment since it will be at a price I can afford now.

No love for Windows phone?

Does he use that word a lot? I wouldn't know I don't read his site.

I'd never heard of this bitch and I'm not all that impressed either. Yawn.

Per the talk of the Cube I am not watching it and so far I am highly impressed with it :D

I figured you must have typed it on a mobile device. Typing things on my Smartphone drives me bonkers because it autocorrects left and right and my fat fingers don't fit so well on the tiny keyboard.

There is a huge (no pun intended) typo in the headline. "Inifinte." It's infinite. Sorry, it's the editor in me.

I am friends with Jason who was on Episode 201 of Hoarders with his mom Augustine. He is a sweetheart and though I know him strictly through the internet, I am so glad we connected. If you watch his episode, you would be amazed that anyone could come out of that environment and be "normal" in the least.