
Thankfully, we’ve been able to afford high-quality care (though if we’d had 2 kids, I’d probably have had to quit my job). I think free or heavily subsidized childcare is one of the best things we could possibly do for ourselves as a society for so many reasons.

Q: What do you call teenagers who are taught abstinence-only sex education?

I went on an extreme fast once and went years without carbs! It was super fun spending time in a hospital learning to eat again and suffering from malabsorption and constant nausea after years of anorexia. All of this is so aggravating and frustrating. I feel like every single person I know is on some keto or

At this point, I’d be happy if they taught all genders basic human anatomy, health and safety, and how periods and placentas work.

...the teen pregnancy and abortion rates drop by 54% and 64%, respectively [...] saving $70+million in costs to the state

Abstinence-Only Sex Education...also known as...Not Sex Education.

22 hours without any food? I would want to punch someone, but not have the energy. Even in my eating disorder days I spread my few calories out throughout the day.

I’m glad they’re former friends. When I was having my second child, I was offered a (then new) blood test to screen for Downs’ Syndrome. I agreed immediately. Abortion wasn’t an option (for me), but if anything was wrong I’d rather know during the pregnancy, than get a horrible shock in the delivery room. I would have

This was the same thing that happened with my first child- found out at the 20 week scan that he was missing kidneys entirely and no lung tissue had developed. I was lucky enough to be in a state where we had until 24 weeks to decide-but had to fight with the insurance for 2 of those weeks to get them to cover my

I’m so sorry for your loss. It is so unimaginably cruel to have to make a decision like that in a short amount of time. It actually works against parents who would like more time to see whether or not terminating is the best choice.

I don’t put it past most Southern states, honestly. Some serious fragile men in that region.

But, you see, a bare-breast woman on a flag is heritage. A bare-breast woman on the street is a strumpet. How do you not understand this?

I am so sorry. I’m sure that even if she didn’t know who you were, any moment of joy or relief came from you. How blessed all your children are to have you and to have had you.

Imagine if she’d exposed both breasts - off to Guantanamo!

My early term abortion was a welcome relief and paved the way for good things for many people (myself, my children, the father, the father’s eventual marriage and family). I’m sorry you had such a bad experience and hope you continue to get help with what you experienced.  Early abortion is not usually traumatic to

My wife and I went through a very similar experience, but we are in Ohio. Went in for a routine check up at 20 weeks. The doctor came in and told us they suspected he had bilateral renal agenesis, meaning he didn’t develop kidneys and likely wouldn’t be able to develop lungs. Told us they have only ever had one case

Thank you for your story. I’m so sorry for what happened to you.

Boy, this school has something for everybody.

But see, the students’ pro-life rally was the right KIND of political. Fits their image.

So, this guy can’t make a speech that could be political at the school buuuuuuuuuuuut the school sends kids decked out in MAGA hats to a political rally.