
Every single story about these guys. Every single story.

Both myself and my boyfriend have been offered jobs in Austin. We turned them down before they could even finish because no amount of money will lure us into that state. And yes, I lived there for a bit and would give anything to have those 2 years back.

My wife’s family is always going on about how we need to move to Austin because it’s a bustling city, great music and food scene, family friendly and all that (they’re from around there), and articles like this serve prove my counter-point, “But then we’d have to live in fucking Texas,” to be irrefutable.

we want to protect parents’ rights

Dayglo ravers? This is my worst nightmare.

Fuck this chinless perv and his entire stupid family.

Tldr Duggars are horrible people.

I hope this is the kick in the pants that TLC needs to get this disgusting family off of TV. Hopefully this will end Josh’s political career as well. Everything about this is truly sickening.

If Neville’s the Wrongbottom I don’t wanna be right.

He can Slytherin me any time.

Justin’s brother, 18, had sex with another girl at the house, just 14.

This is the ultimate trump card - Yes parents, you kind of did make a mistake in having me, and now that I’ve pointed it out to you, maybe you should get over yourself and your desires.

Newsflash: they are not responsible for your feelings on their decision to have children.

Never, ever take advice from a person who tells you “babies don’t need stability, they just love you.”

If millennials aren’t getting married PLEASE tell my mailbox and Instagram/FB feeds that. I’m so tired of looking at pictures of center pieces in banquet halls every weekend.

I want a shirt that says “fuck your tea kettle warmer.”

"Fuck your tea kettle warmer," is the greatest thing I have read all day. I am seriously contemplating turning it into my personal 'fuck you non-sequitor battle cry' for those days you just need to rage through.

The thing I’m most outraged by is that she MISSED A PIECE!!! IS THIS NOT INCLUDED IN HAIRSTYLING 101???

“I have a dream to go to Harvard Business School and one of these days I will do that... in my spare time”