
Facebook friend/NYPD officer posted this in response.

That’s not surprising because A. The Duggars and B. Fox News is usually full of lies.

Cam Crowe just should have written SORRY I’M NOT SORRY.

Kate Upton annoys me to no end. She has nicely shaped large boos, but she just looks so boring. Also, she looks really old for her age.

At my wedding, this would get shut down immediately. There would be no time for the woman to answer yes because they would have been kicked out already.

I thought about going to graduate school in Texas and then I read articles like this reminding me how awful Texas is.

Is Devin Kelley best friends with Josh Duggar? If not, they should since they share the hobby of ruining children’s lives.

Can they all just crawl into a hole and stay there forever? We can tell them that’s the best way to avoid the devil.

Whenever I read or think about the Duggars, I feel gross.. Like 19-kids-came-out-of-me gross.

I haven’t seen Mr. Rogers since I was kid, but wow, he’s pretty handsome and kind of attractive in that first image. I feel gross for thinking that.

What kind of person promotes sex in school? And what kind of person wants to be brofriends with middle school boys? Prepubescent middle school boys are the worst. The WORST.

I just don’t understand. I cannot picture this small Southern town with segregated proms and confederate flag-waving men probably with the largest hairy beer guts ever in the 21st century.

Why is this a thing?

In a long term relationship. No marriage. No children..