“No.” - Wealthy people with connections
“No.” - Wealthy people with connections
If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.
Cannot recommend that Falcons history enough
That’s a great one, but my favorite of the Fumble Dimension videos has to be when they took one of the greatest modern regular season teams, the 2001 Seattle Mariners, and played them in OOTP Baseball.
Breaking Madden is just an amazing series that you should 100% read.
BEEFTANK (all caps no space)
Clarence BEEFTANK is my hero
Thanks to some jerk named Newton, Link will slowly descend over time while gliding (and will fall completely when out of stamina).
Whilst not the exact same aesthetic, it’s giving me vibes of my favorite anime, Trigun. The whole “future cowboy” action is around in Cowboy Bebop too, and a neat variation on normal tropes (I actually enjoyed Cowboys vs. Aliens for exactly what it was).
I think they’re different animals.
“Alas, poor Yorick6969420, I knew him, xHoratiox23897. A fellow of infinite cash, of excellent weaponry. In heists he hath born me on his back a thousands time and oh, how abhorrent a pilot was he. The memories haunt me.
As a big fan of Brandon Sanderson’ Cosmere, this was the last thing I expected but nice to see it’ll introduce a new audience to the books.
Egypt has impounded the boat so they get the five RTX 3090s onboard to sell on eBay. Street value exceeds the $1 billion they want.
This quote will never not be relevant:
If there was any hope of pulling it off, i would love to slap it back on a police cruiser. That'd confuse 'em!
Man, I remember the first time I figured out I could cheese the leveling system in Morrowind by tagging Athletics and Acrobatics and just run around in circles and jump everywhere for quick, easy levels... right up until I started running into tough enemies with my combat skills still nearly at their starting values.
Steven Smeagal.
Procedural generation is a challenging area, for sure. I’ll note though that Java and Javascript are different, unrelated languages, despite the name.
How is it slow? Since release in 2011, the Java edition has seen 17 major updates and 46 minor updates. They’ve averaged 1-2 major updates and 5 minor updates a year for the last nine years.
Dynasty Warriors: Wakanda
...If it’s a CG character...why didn’t they just get, you know, Claptrap to voice Claptrap?