

In DeSmit's defense, computers have ruined Sports Illustrated insofar as they allow Thayer Evans to submit his work.

I despise Lolo, but even more: Twitter and the recent trend of "news/blog sites" to formulate articles that offer one or two sentences ,then the rest is a dozen tweets from random humans around the word. Is there a journalistic ap for this yet? Just type in [article subject]+[last 24 hours of tweets ordered by

Drake Anyone? Anyone?

LoLo doesn't stand for anything...but she falls for EVERYTHING.

No. And just because I don't find her tweet funny and think it's stupid doesn't make me a dumbass, you dick. You clearly also need to learn humor. Smart comedy is funny comedy, even if we're talking about stupid fucking twitter. Her tweet was stupid. You must be one of those asshole Dane Cook fans who can't understand

I guess I'm not young or hip, because I think LoLo Jones is pretty fucking cute. She definitely doesn't look like Fiona from Shrek...

It isn't funny at all, actually. It's perplexing considering Rihanna has only one ex-boyfriend who's an athlete. And he isn't even that prominent. Are you one of those people who rag on "dumbass fans" thinking it makes you look smart? If yes, you have my pity.

I think I need a little background here- what does LOLO stand for?

KNEEZUS had the only joke in this list that was both funny and not completely horrible.

I'm sure Rihanna greatly appreciates her fans jumping to her defense...or could give less than zero fucks. Definitely one or the other.

I just wish Lolo's critics would leave her race out of it.

Okay, that red carpet one was good. I laughed pretty hard.

look at all these awful people on twitter some using their real names giving their awful opinions and making themselves look awful, Lolo included.

People who speak on behalf of the voiceful are the weirdest people.