
Any example you could give, that person is dependent on countless numbers of people to help them make their innovations manifest. Today, for instance, Edison is remembered as one of the great inventors of the last few centuries, but he had teams of people who worked with him, so that his ideas and rough diagrams could

Mr. Davis, is that you?

Plus he was The Boss’s Son until Al died, so this is the only “job” he’s ever had.

Don’t be pissy when he gives you back the same passive aggressive garbage.

“You ain’t gotta get ready if you stay ready.” — a got-damn genius.

I didn’t realize that this thing you’re referencing was from that other thing. +1

Solid GIF choices here.

But what if she gets fired...?
[rereads OP]

I think the real feat is that he reached the age of 16 surrounded by people who are so callously indifferent to his well-being.

mayo fuckboys

Starred for the Great White North Bay.

acting like the A’s are anywhere near as big a deal as an NFL contender featuring Derek Carr is a joke.

He has to get a stadium done wherever he can

Aha! Now I feel dumb.

No prob. (I tried googling EBT7, but you’ll have to help me out here.)