
Waaaay better quality on this video.

In Joe's defense, "Black Kevin Love" would be a solid band name, though.


I'd watch that.

"This ya boy? [...] You just got fucked up with him."

Is that in Nebraska or Iowa...?

Seriously, it looks like they added Bill Hader's "smiling warmly face" in post. Shit is creepy as all get-out.

Wait, you're telling me that (1) having Bill Hader as the leading man and (2) simply gender-swapping the protagonist in a formulaic plot structure aren't signposts of quality?


we already know who everyone will be playing in 2015. That means it's possible to [estimate] who'll have the toughest row to hoe, and who gets a break.

Otherwise, beat it

+1 because I flat-out hated Civil War.

+1 (Tell us how you really feel, bruh.)

And then I was like

At first I was like

Does Texas have anything for the misanthrope? (Populousness is not a selling point for me.)

Agreed, plus I think he generally keeps a more even keel than a lot of other high-profile players. That's why his bawling after the NFC title game was so striking (to me, at least).

Ooh, I got one!

see "Cameron, James."

I might be going to Hell for laughing. Then again, Jesus was black, so I'm probably in the clear.