
+1 [hopes Yoda-esque syntax was intentional]

Where is your trashbin/dumpster located? Asking for a friend.

"[A music review] that the majority of pop fans will have no interest in [reading]... can never be meaningful."

It's out there now and there's nothing Marchman can do about it!

That's odd, considering the fact that it's your argument in a nutshell.

I like how you said "no" in response to my question, then immediately contradicted that position.

Probably depends on whether the hit batsman touches third or not.

There is such a line in Episode III, but Bail Organa only orders Threepio's memory wiped.

For some reason, my brain combined "scrotum" and "auto-tuned" when I read that the first time.

Phil Mushnick is a father who is curiously worried that he might keep his daughters from getting laid.


Because patriarchy. Any other questions I can answer for you?

But how else will Vlad maintain his knee-jerk opinions if he doesn't avoid reading things?

Also, why are black people allowed to demean women?

Click-bait in the third.

I disagree with you regarding the first paragraph. Mushnick doesn't seem to have the courage of his convictions in order to either write something detailing his complaints with the Deadspin post or participate in a group chat. It sounds like he just wanted to privately berate Marchman, and Marchman gamely avoided

So: doing the right thing for the wrong reasons > avoiding taking a proper stand for fear of being a hypocrite?

Ha, it's like they wanted a pitcher-shaped hole in their metaphorical wall and [realizes metaphor is not holding together]...

[in adorable lisp] I've lost? Look at the board.

I like the shot of the kids in the audienc who had an unmistakeable whiskey-tango-foxtrot look on their faces.