Do you mean the quote or the link itself?
Do you mean the quote or the link itself?
In the absence of evidence, many things are chicken and egg arguments. (Thus, once one has data to support evolution, we can say the egg came first.)
I don't even think Dr. Drew knows, and that's kind of the problem.
What I take from that, then, is that mistakes are a feature and and not a bug of the way the show's set up, and that it's presumptuous of him to assume that he can (literally) armchair diagnose someone. So he's not House MD, who was both (a) a genius and (b) fictional.
I hate it.
Are people really so ignorant about common Jewish names?
Aaaaand I am reminded of why snark is at once more fun and less work.
I mean, I was being pretty snarky, so no apology necessary. ("Should share the fruits of my sociology degree or be snarky? Meh, snark it is.")
My first reply wasn't serious—not sure if you noticed.
Are you the Keymaster?
This is "what [you] hate about our society" (and not, say, racism, lax fuel economy standards, partisan gridlock, reality television, or Arby's)?
Bunch of issues with what you wrote, but the easiest thing to point out is that you don't understand what 'free speech' is.
Indeed. Mark Cuban has been fined many times.
Do you have a nice mattress? It could be pleasant...
You're saying it has staying power, then?
Heaven forbid someone have a different opinion than you.
Sterling has been 'that guy' for years. It's public record, and I doubt the other owners are ignorant as to who Sterling is (obviously now, it can't be ignored)—and yet, they've allowed him to remain as one of their peers. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't at least one other Sterling-type among the owners, but…