
NXT definitely needs to travel weekly but it’s so special with their 5 takeovers a year that the new locations just add that extra pazazz. I went to Takeover Chicago last year and seeing Ciampa’s Takeover Chicago jacket was so freaking cool; it felt special because Ciampa doesnt travel outside of Florida often

Log off like George W. Bush people!!

Any Italian deli or stand alone grocery chain has their frozen tortellini and pasta/delicacy. Chicago has a good slew of Italian stores. I went to a popular Korean grocery store in Niles called H-mart yesterday and had my mind blown seeing frozen ramen. I never associated that ramen could be frozen, but fresh ramen at

Some places just include the tip on the bill, SOME, so insurance could and should sneak in there. I really don’t fucking mind, we’re all not getting out of this alive folks. I’m not a fan of Obamacare at all but it seems to make insurance a primary benefit with jobs, which is good (but how good would the coverage be?

Astros are that rare team that traditionally always had a mid tier payroll (besides the last 3 years) but banked on talent and always built a foundation, even in their lousy years, and seemingly grew that wealth wheras teams like the Cubs act like they lost a profit even though their payroll is the highest in the

I was seconds away from booking a trip to Arlington this year but my cousin was in a play that would’ve strained my time in Texas so I went to Coors Field (very nice experience). But a weird wish I have as an Astros fan (living in Chicago) was that I’d catch an Astros game in Arlington. I had an ex that grew up in

Wonderful article and probably should be the most regarded post on Kinja, ever. Now, as a white male, I believe your brother probably didn’t hate feminism as much as he let out to be, but it seems that there was a miscommunication in that sense, at least from what I read. A male complex of our times, it’s hard to

If the wedding is out of state for you while it’s a family member’s home state I say a gift is fine, within that year stretch as well. If said family member makes you travel to Hawaii or Paris as the wedding destination, fuck their presents. I’m indifferent with friends and wedding gifts, I feel like friends should be

D-Rose I have a funny feeling will get in, but it'd be like a senior vote.  If he sneaks in a championship run I think his odds increase.  

I’d vouch for it. NBA HOF seems to be the most balanced voting wise and has members that have a diverse range from childhood favs to respectable accolades. Baseball HOF has its issues while do we really care how many Guards and long snappers are in the NFL HOF? Sure, Robert Horry is probably one controversial choice th

Words that need to be retired by October 2019: Woke, Epic, Gronked

And a big dick 

Nagy when he was on the Chiefs wanted and picked Mahomes, he was salivating during the combine

My thing is that there’s no avoidance with advertising, it’s money in and out. If journalists are going to be an entity and with the recent rise of podcasts and journalists speaking outside of their respective employer, why is it no different than their employer getting all sorts of revenue with advertising?

But there's Jemelle Hill, Dan LeBatard, New Yorker/ Washington Post podcasts, even this very site with their plugins on Deadcast.  

Podcasts are essentially a shrill business and media big names like Conan are dropping in every ad in the book 

Im being that guy, what about podcasts? If you are trying to have funding through your independent show, let’s say a topical John Oliver type show where research and looking for sources are vital and yeah, you mention a plug in, is that more or less of what Adam is doing? 

Those two guys in the car saw her run away twice, what, the, fuck 

Thats the thing that’s annoying me about this USA network thing. Will WWE (Vince) officially announce NXT the Marquee WWE brand? They just had a deal with Fox over Smackdown and yeah, they kinda need more talent namely NXT talent. Keeping Undisputed and Velveteen Dream makes sense but they might have to get that

The program lasts an hour but the live taping is 2-3 hours. So its 2 shows with built in material for about 3 shows. ECW kind of had that production as well but showing highlights of their live events and ppvs replays.