
It was a clumsy move. He definitely looked like he was about to trip so the momentum didn’t do him any favors. I’m an Astros fan and I think he’ll get a good 5-15 games or so.  Is this the first suspension consideration after the Posey rule? 

With gas prices becoming more of a headache I hope there is a city by city adjustment of bike safety and laws. I marvel at countries like Vietnam and The Netherlands that have always been a 50/50 bike and car ratio. Will that ratio in America happen in 20 years....30 years? It’s curious mainly because oil is going to

Would you defend the bikers that zip through red light intersections, text and bike, go in-between traffic lanes? Thus why the “both sides” argument is valid. I’m a biker myself and I admit, there should be a hard fist on bad habit bikers. I’m guilty of not wearing a helmet, that should be a law.  

My retired father recently picked up umpiring for little league. Back in the day he used to umpire as a side gig on all levels including softball. He did a few games this year, only to suddenly quit after two games in a row with these wanna be Tony LaRusssas questioning very insignificant scenarios and making very

After the 2nd repeat, Jordan retired again and the Bulls blew up like a wacky inflatable doll

At one point the Warriors were well......the Warriors. The ‘07 team was fun as hell, Jason Richardson and Baron Davis were exceptional talents, Run TMC was similiar to the Killer B’s: no championships but mad respect. Even the first few seasons with the growth of Curry was a sight to behold, taking Davidson to the

Honest question: did the Patriots claim New England as insurance in case they would move?  Imagine if they moved to New York after 60 or so Super Bowl less seasons.  And is using the state name a safer bet than the city name?

Now playing

Nah nah nah nah nah......50 Cent still is king. Her god awful throw still hit the camera man and that is lucky precision and that made it funny. Fiddy had NO distractions, no barriers to block his errant throw, it’s still a marvel.

The Kings in the 2000s, Bulls in 2009, Allen Iverson, Vince Carter, Jailblazers and Warriors 2007 miracle Warriors should’ve had cool as fuck mvps champs given to them solely because they are vastly underappreciated.

1. TMNT in time tied with Simpsons Arcade, the rest are cabbage 

I much prefer the .02 milliseconds prior, zoomed in, the central focal point. It makes it a zillion times more innocent and fun compared to old Guy Fierari in the crowd. I do like Jeremy Lin’s reaction though.

So is there an issue with foods at parties? Hoagies, cocktail shrimp, cheese etc just sitting there glistening in the sun?  Food that definitely sits out longer than untouched portion sides.  Now you don’t think I wash my hands which I most certainly do.  

Once again, it's a blessing not to see Johnny freaking Wrestling every week 

Its more of a phone problem than anything, I am a culprit of that.  I tried my darndest this past weekend but every bored moment came with a price.  

Faaroq DAMN!

Ads can be cool....sometimes. Like the ads that support this site. Or the ads that are sneaking in breaks for Hulu and YouTube so you can watch “free” stuff. If we get preachy with each and every Geiko commerical or every Apple ad with famous revolutionaries, then what’s the point of bashing a beer ad about an athlete’

One of the weirdest films experiences was going to a super random theater with my mom seeing that film.  I thought it'd be a wresssslin experience but 13 year old me learnt the hard way.  My mom had a crush on the Rock so it wasn't a bad time for her, RIP Ma

I was kinda annoyed with Ronda yelling “Bitch!” in every spot. Charollete said it as well. Id allow lesser, or a full circle with Becky calling them out but it was distracting. Chops bitch was funny but the table bitch part was silly.  

Yes and No, if you reeeeeeeaaallly want to understand the ethos of WWE watch Bret Hart Wrestling with Shadows about the Montreal Screwjob, one of the greatest documentaries ever

Id have the HOF on Thursday, WM Access with the battle royals and maybe IC/US championship on Friday, Takeover Saturday, Sunday the kickoff, then the main Event. Or you know, just making WM a small card and giving the roster a bonus regardless/health plan but what do I know