
As people have mentioned, that scene where Rebecca insists she's pregnant to Josh was very hard to watch, really hitting the hell out of my secondhand embarrassment. I think, though, this show differs from lots of broader cringe comedy that makes me hella embarrassed because there's such a place of realism in it. I

My question is, if Fake Eleanor and Real Eleanor have the same name, and died at approximately the same time in the same accident, why is Jason also known as Jianyu there? Not a same name situation, probably not a same death incident one (especially since I'm assuming Jason died in something that'd get him a Florida

I saw a tweet from a TV reviewer hyping up the final scene and it made me slightly on edge—too worried they'd try to do something big when I wasn't expecting it, after last week already. So I wasn't expecting *this* kind of big, in a quieter sort of way. I've always loved the Lucifer and Dr. Linda scenes, especially

I've got a patchy relationship with horror movies; I used to watch a lot as a teen (which wasn't that long ago for me) but the last one I've seen is The Babadook, which did frighten me. The movies I saw as a teen were pretty basic to bad ones, almost always in a movie theater because my best friend and I went through

This was a brisk episode! I couldn't believe it when the end credits started popping up on the bottom of the screen. But I loved it! At one point I said aloud "D'Arcy Carden is a national treasure," probably around cacti number 3 or 4. Manny Jacinto is one too. They do background gags wonderfully. Also it may have

As mentioned by JFC, APB is that show, but it was at first developed by David Slack, a producer for and writer of some great Person of Interest episodes, so it probably would have subverted the idea of commercializing the police in an interesting manner. I say would have, because, due to creative differences, Slack

I like beer, especially craft beers, but I'd never call myself an expert, mostly because my taste buds are pretty weak and I'm terrible at distinguishing nuances in flavor (reading reviews on beer review sites is always an adventure in ??? for me). Nonetheless, I know what I like, and I'm keen enough on IPAs. Not

Joining in with the "caught up on Netflix" crowd! I can't stop thinking about Broom!Darryl. I will dream about Broom!Darryl. I will love it. Just as I love this show, and am very pleased it is back. I'm glad you're all here, because the friend who GOT me into this show is away this weekend and it will be a delayed

I'm intrigued, and I'll probably check it out, although I've never read the books. Samuel Barnett was so ridiculously creepy on Penny Dreadful that I didn't even recognize him when I first saw the promo materials and trailers for the show, and he definitely is a draw, as is Wood. I just find Max Landis utterly

I was truly worried she would have, but I guess he's had an effect on her after all. I thought her generally concerned and upset face at the end and her "I love you, man" were really sweet as well.

I was excited (well, extra excited, I'm always excited for more Good Place) when I heard this was a Megan Amram episode—love her on Twitter, and her "Science…For Her!" book. And I was not let down. Everyone was on their A game, but I especially loved getting so much great Janet! D'Arcy Carden is a joy and has been

This is basically almost a perfect combination of my mother's interests and mine own. I'm in school for archives, and currently in a class about preservation, which includes under its umbrella conservation. I also worked at a museum once alongside a couple conservators on a grant-funded project. It really is a

That's a really good point. I could definitely see them going towards that, within the show's little "big questions within the clown names and fat dogs" aspect.

The B-plot was slightly worrisome, because I'm strangely a big fan of the "Chidi and Eleanor are actually great for one another if not precisely soulmates" school. But I'll see where it goes.

I go to grad school in Boston, I wasn't here for the bombing, but I was here when they were filming this movie. We kept getting emails from the college that they were filming it at the Catholic college next to our campus and that we shouldn't be concerned with the simulated gunfire going off there. I guess they're

When "The Librarian" started I was like, okay, more sexy librarian stuff (as a future librarian, it can get annoying! I mean "sexy" isn't the worst stereotype possible for a profession and it beats out "dowdy shusher" but still…), and then it became increasingly bizarre and ridiculous and I adored it.

I know nothing about the issues at hand, Portland, the book store itself, or Portlandia. I do know that once, in the background of Portlandia in a book store scene (which I'm guessing was filmed at this bookstore), you could see an essay anthology book in which a work of mine (from when I was 14; all teen girls, all

I'm excited for this! I mean, I would have checked it out anyway, at least once, going on my Person of Interest-fueled good will towards Jonah Nolan & co., but I'm pleased by the reviews I've been reading.

Spoiler Alert: You are correct in that phrase. Writer/producer Megan Amram tweeted that she was screaming that in the Bad Place clip. Whether or not it is a clue line or just a made-up rando thing, we shall see, maybe?

I got a dolphin! I feel they are wise but also a bit weird, and they do live in the ocean, which I love. I will happily take this. Even though I always thought mine would be a short-haired house cat. That can still be my animagus form.