
Albany? We cared so very, very much.

When I started reading this article, I had an anecdote in mind about this wonderful ice cream place I love that now uses biodegradable(?)/compostable(?) straws for their milkshakes that are basically tubes of weak cardboard that inevitably break down before you even finish slurping through them, but as the article

I love Hall & Oates. Not even being sexiled in the kitchen part of my dorm suite during sophomore year at 2am while listening to their greatest hits can ruin them for me. Not even them using the less awesome spelling of 'Sara' in a song can. And neither can that time I tried to do non-ironic, truly joyous Hall & Oates

I dunno whether this has been discussed yet in these comments (I'm not a regular), or on another site (Reddit, perhaps?) but is there some kind of rhyme or reason for the file name extensions used in the episode titles (like for this ep, '.asec')? From what I just googled, .asec is an Android file extension, which

I think, as seen in the end of s1 of JJ (which I'm just assuming you've seen, but I'll be vague for others), we've seen that there's a difference between Cage's impenetrable skin and complete invincibility. Internal injuries are possible, probs not as seriously as for other characters, but still a factor that I feel

I haven't even read this yet; I need to, but when I saw the tweet linking to this, I said aloud "wait, oh my god, is this a Tony Shaloub random roles? IS IT WITH—" and opened the link and saw the Will Harris byline and went "YESSS" aloud. Monk was my favorite show in high school. Even though as I get older and my

I wasn't a regular in these comments, but I've peeped in from time to time, reading the reviews. I remember picking up POI to watch summer of 2012, staying cool in my shitty sublet apartment, and falling in love (distinctly remember the open ending of 104 as being what really hooked me for good). Person of Interest

A few years ago, at peak "I'm college aged but watching the same shows my grandpa is," I watched quite the number of CBS shows. Even technically this year, I had three. But now that they cancelled Person of Interest (and are burning it off now) and moved Supergirl to the CW, I now have just Elementary left. In the

'The Brothers Vonnegut' sounds fascinating; I'll definitely be putting it on my list. I'm extra fascinated by the Vonneguts not just because I love Kurt's books, but because I'm from the Capital Region of NYS, and my grandmother's from Schenectady in particular, so the influence of the region and GE on them (both the

I'll at least check this show out, for David Slack, because of his work on Person of Interest. He seems like a great guy, at least on twitter, as well, so I'm happy that this is coming together so well for him.

I have somehow, despite all the time I spend online and being a DW fan, managed to not hear about this until now, but am intrigued, at least! I'll check it out, for Smith alone, who I'm very fond of. The time period/era of Liz II's life they chose to focus is interesting as well; the amount of

Same. When I saw the line in this review about ABC renewing "everything" I let out a very small sad noise. I miss Forever.

This is an amazing trailer, and it definitely sets the stage for the show. Non-spoilery, but I got to see the first ep at NYCC, and it is a dark show (but like some have said, not in a dark for dark's sake/overly emo way). Yet with casting Ritter, they won such a jackpot, because she's funny as hell in this as well,

I'm very excited about this!

Sounds like Stan Beeman hit a rough patch in counterterrorism, changed his name, and decided to broaden from family and neighbor's children to making a profit.

SIGN ME UP! That's perfect.

I felt like, she's stated many times this season that Hannibal wants to kill and eat her himself, she knows if he's really free he's going to try and do that, she's thinking, I give him this part of me 'willingly', this pound of flesh, maybe he'll let me live. That's my interpretation, but possibly very wrong. Who

Oh hey, fellow Penn Quaker, nice! At least, I'm assuming that's the Penn you mean.

Yeah I was in CityTarget and some bros were pointing out and getting really excited for it. Then they discussed whether or not Marky Mark was a Bostonian, which, um, I dunno what planet they're from to wonder. It was a weird escalator ride.

They're opening a Wahlburgers (ugh) really close to the Regal in the Fenway neighborhood of Boston so, he's already got his mission hq in progress.