
Yeah, it was a really well chosen method. Richard Armitage has given such a brilliant physicality to Dolerhyde. I knew he'd do well in the role, but he's exceeded all my expectations.

As an archives&history student, any destruction of historical documents/materials makes me shiver, but as a longtime fan of the Harris books & (some) of the movies, when I realized we were getting a Fuller's Hannibal version of the painting-eating scene, I just started getting hella pumped. And it was glorious. The

Whoa, I'm from the Capital District and I've never heard of this, which is a shame because it sounds like the coolest thing currently in the region.

Oo, Caroline would work as She-Hulk, at least in attitude (physically, not so much). Especially combining the snark of her Wonderfalls days with the steeliness of s3 Alana.

I saw this trailer before Ant-Man (turned to my friend and said I had been trying to avoid watching it, but the universe had other plans for me, I guess) and being completely out of the loop of all DC movies after Nolan's Batmans (Batmen?), saw Fishburne and went "oh hey!" and then Tao and went "wait, her too? Two

I just spent perhaps more time than I should staring at the set from across the street in Boston's Chinatown today, so maybe they look so miserable because it is muggy and they have to wear long sleeve jumpsuits? Paul Feig was rocking a suit, fancy straw hat, and a cane though, he looked pretty dapper.

To me the Comcast Building is the tallest building in Philly, which when I looked it up is actually called the Comcast Center…Anyway, no, this one in NYC is 30 Rock. What are they gonna call the observation center now? Top of the Comcast has no where near the same ring as 'Top of the Rock'.

I made chicken and penne for dinner, but like, I have no cooking skills, it was the most basic chicken and pasta ever, Hannibal would be ashamed.

My roommate's cat is a lovely garbage cat. She waits until like, 5 minutes after my roommate leaves for work (which is generally before my other roommate and I get up) to start meowing like she has been abandoned for days and has no food or water, despite all those things being untrue. Then, if you wake up to open

Yeah, but that was still the end after the 13 episode order. At that point, the Mentalist was pretty sure it was their end and were winding down already. And this is only five years of POI, when the powers that be have stated they have a longer plan than that. I just worry that they'll be made to rush that timeline,

I just don't know if that's what they would have gone back to, really, especially the shape of those mobsters at season's end. Plageman and Nolan have both stated they have more than five seasons of material in them, and I'm afraid that means they'll have to rush through them if this is the end and make a less

Supergirl looks interesting, and fun, which is nice, in this world of gloom and doom superheroes of DC, and she looks really enthusiastic about fighting crime and being a superhero, which is even fresh for Marvel. But my enthusiasm stops there.

Very much under 50 (22) but my dad and brother both had a much from their respective childhood periods that ended up in our "bathroom library" so um, yeah, I'm semi-fond of the series, pretty casually, mostly around the same like 10 issues that have been in the wicker basket forever. Always fascinated by the fact that

I had to make sure, but since she's playing Wilson's character's wife, and Wilson's character is the young Lou Solverson, this means she's playing Molly's mother, yes? I think that's a good casting choice.

Despite the long list of things on Netflix I haven't seen, lately I've been rewatching Leverage (which I never finished when it was on air, going off to college and missing the ending season and a half) and just remembering how wonderful those characters and situations are! Last night I watched "The Rashomon Job";

I hoped the video would be what it is before I clicked the link and I was happy, so very happy, to be right. The glory of Strangers With Candy.

The impression I got from the review (talking about how the people are only there because of their job) makes it seem like a scientific research outpost, probably a British-led or funded one.

I started off 2015 in a similar way to how I ended 2014: in the middle of the fantastic, wonderful, but incredibly long "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" by Susanna Clarke. I've been meaning to read it for a while, the upcoming BBC miniseries (with the sure-to-be-perfect-Norrell Eddie Marsan) gave me the incentive to

We never had anything this intense from films watched in class, but I have some fond memories. Like when we watched Iron Jaw Angels in HS US History and my teacher awkwardly went "I don't think it was a precise historical event" when Hilary Swank masturbates in the tub. Or when, to celebrate finishing the exam for AP

I like that when Finch and Fusco were in the van and Finch was uploading the worm and describing it, Fusco was just like "why are you telling me this computer crap?" It reminds me of the fact that Fusco HAS actually been told by someone in the know that a sophisticated machine was spying on everyone for