
This year was a good one for me and books, and I got around to some ones I had been meaning to read for a while. The biggest one was probably American Gods, by Neil Gaiman, which I devoured. I just adored it. I'm so glad I finally picked up the mass-market paperback of it I had bought and ran out of time to read

Wolf Hall and its sequel are also books I finally got around to this year, and you summarize WH better than I ever could. I mowed my way through them both, so amazing. I cannot wait for the third (the final one, I believe, as well).

My family's number one Christmas pop-culture tradition is probably that some night, before Christmas eve/day, my parents, my brother, and I watch the first two Home Alone movies. We have done this every year I can consciously remember, and I'm celebrating my 22nd Christmas this year, so I've seen them both many, many

I loved Trading Spaces! I was thinking about it recently, actually. I basically have no inclination to home decorating, and I don't watch any reality shows without my mother present (she loves them, especially the wedding ones on TLC now), but this one I loved watching when it was on. And it was on constantly, so I

Chip's been teasing that he's both writing his own series with another artist and that he's doing something big with Marvel for a while, and when this news broke today my first thought was "yes, of course it's Howard the Duck, yes!" So I'm definitely here for this, and excited for Zdarsky.

Before the movie started the volume was low in the theater and because I'm a dumbass I thought, oh no, what if I can't hear the film properly, before it started and I remembered that IMAX is like my brother having control of the radio controls in the car…it's very loud.

This show is my favorite for a reason, and this episode shows it. When they showed us the clip at NYCC, starting with Simon trying to use the room service woman's phone, until the gas in the lobby, I was entranced, and waiting to see it in context—it had to be incredible. And it was. God, I thought the scene I saw

I enjoyed this episode for what it was, and for the parallels it made. I actually said 'holy shit' aloud at the end…because they played a song I love, "Gun", by Emiliana Torrini…then the real "oh shit" happened after. I think my favorite thing about this episode was Finch's incredibly awesome purple-centered suit;

I really enjoyed this episode as a breather! I think its one of those episodes for the fans, but not in the typical sort of 'fanservice' way; that is, it highlights character moments as well as continuities from the past to make an episode with some emotional depth and humor. I've been a fan of Fusco for a while (and

Okay, ha, to be fair, he's great on GOT, but I'd get no where near Walder Frey, broken vows of marriage or no broken vows.

I watched this episode while also doing reading for my historical methods class; there's not really a comparison between the emergence of 'gender' as a non-grammatical, social term and the Strain, but I balanced them well enough, I think.

Alas; that gets a pass, definitely. This otherwise trend of almond milks/etc because they read someone its healthier, that I'm less fond of—similarly for the trend of gluten free by people who can digest gluten perfectly fine. But maybe that's just my own ridiculous love of dairy and bread speaking.

What a great episode, particularly in that it had so many of the elements that make Person of Interest a great show: the AI aspect, the existential questions, a one-off character relating back to the regulars, the action, and the humor! When Shaw was interrogating the barista and her "GO COW OR GO HOME"; perfection

I have Comcast for my first ever apartment right now, after four years of dorm internet and cable service* (did you want to get CBS HD? We're gonna give you CW HD instead!), so this is magnificent. Also I pay my bills online and get WiFi hotspots all over. Although I mean, I'm still an idealistic young cable/internet

The Knick was fantastic this week; just electric from start to finish. I watched it after it aired online so I saw it was going to be only 42 minutes but when it was over I was amazed at how much of an episode it was. And I'm, on a shipper level, happy about Algie and Cornelia (how the hell is her nickname spelled,

Can I count Sarah Palin as a fictional character? I'm gonna do it. Her. 2008 was a hard time.

My show is back! And now with additional SECRET UNDERGROUND LAIR. I loved the throwbacks to the pilot (the sideways guns!) and other previous episodes; I just loved, how, as a fan, I know these characters enough but the show keeps letting them grow and surprise me. When Reese says he needs someone he knows who doesn't

PAFAs probably my favorite art museum (ever, which I mean, doesn't say much for someone who doesn't go to many art museums). The building itself is gorgeous, a Frank Furness work of art. And as Revolutionary America history buff, tons of great pieces, especially from founder Charles Wilson Peale. Alas, I no longer

I enjoyed the episode well enough, as my "David Bradley [taking a break this episode from] being a badass against gross, not cute, vampires" way of watching allows me; it definitely was filler. I liked the Kelly POV though, leading up to the master.

This weekend is my first real weekend of grad student homework, which means, I got a bit of pop culture in there as well, to even things out. My usuals were great to amazing this weekend—I enjoyed the Knick a lot, and Doctor Who, wow, it reminded me, underneath all that frustration over his showrunning, that Moffat