Like Trevor Noah satire’d last week: it’s time to run commercials in various African countries asking that they give money to children in American cities have: clean drinking water (Flint - arrest the Gov).
Like Trevor Noah satire’d last week: it’s time to run commercials in various African countries asking that they give money to children in American cities have: clean drinking water (Flint - arrest the Gov).
Or better yet; “Bernie Sanders, the Grampa you’d love to have a beer with.”
There is a reason the term “galumphing” exists. Doc Brown just proved it.
dayummm, he’s pretty light on his toes for a 74 year old.
Quaid...start the reactor.
Yeah, that's getting molded into a sex toy for Log Cabin Republicans.
Remember like three years ago when Nate Silver said that the average Deadspin reader was a 34 year old white male with an above average income, and high alcohol consumption?
Leni Reifenstahl would have a fucking stroke if she saw that. Nazis paid good money for their propaganda.
I think we all need some support this week. I hope we don't lose anyone else.
As an OIF veteran, it enrages me when the arm chair admirals want to bomb every fucking thing that dares to cross our paths. Fortunately for pieces of shit likes these people, they don’t get phone calls every few months saying another friend has committed suicide because of their battles with PTS. Being the main…
Oops! You’re right – in my defense, I didn’t see it, as it’s in the fine print… but I formally acknowledge that Bobby got there first, and I’m a mere interloper. (sigh)
Thanks Obama.
It’s actually decidedly North Korean, Dear Leader Trump.
Has someone called CPS already?
I tried to watch this but my computer starting sobbing.
I like how the painter avoided painting his hands (because hands are harrrrrrd).
He’ll become a lobbyist, like the rest of them...
Maybe Kroenke is an Inspector Clouseau cosplay enthusiast who lost his hat?