“Is have ‘Spudznik MacKenziez’ andt Pee Vee Herxhman Texaschblink hxhat.”
“Is have ‘Spudznik MacKenziez’ andt Pee Vee Herxhman Texaschblink hxhat.”
If you listen closely, you can actually feel the white man’s overbite in that groove.
I have the utmost respect for those who serve and protect, but you do realize that this clip was a community outreach campaign by the GPD —and if you’ve never heard an LEO say “we got a report of _____ in this area” as they roll up on you...
Profound sense of entitlement?
Humdrum & Dumb
“You seem like a nice lady, but what if someone doesn’t want a baby because they are to young or can’t afford one, or just wants to not be a mommy?”
Anti Profiling Consultant sounds like a sweet gig. “See that person of color shopping in your store? Just quietly allow them to pay for their purchase.” That’ll be $500, please. And then on to the next job.
Feeling a little bad for that outed 2019 bride to be, back at MSHQ.
Right? Enough of this milk, bring on the whole almonds already.
Asking for permission just makes you the prime suspect if you do it after the bosses say no. This is an ask for forgiveness scenario. And would heating the protected thermostat with a blow dryer in the summer turn on the A/C? That where this trick is crucial. Anyone can warm up with a sweater in the office. But a cool…
Thank you, Yogi Berra ;)
God, he was entertaining. I can’t find it quickly, but one time he took on a panel of 3 plus Hannity, and owned them all. “3 on 1, is that all you got?” Hilarious. Such a shame he threw it all away.
It’s adjacent to the breakfast nook(ie!)
*I waste people’s time with my trolling. FTFY
There’s the trolling, you tool.
Instead of trolling here, why don’t you make sure the men in your life aren’t having suicidal or rageful thoughts of vengeance. Protect our brethren that way.
I’m sure this has been addressed down thread and in the greys, but do many? any? people have suicidal thoughts after instigating the break up? And the “let the family mourn” stuff is just naked concern trolling.
Pure speculation, but it’s hard to believe whiskey and rye wasn’t a factor somehow.
10/10 varētu dzīvot netikumīgi ar.
To the less fit, his pace would be vorpal.