
Also Japan absolutely loved GoT.

There are two types of animals in Disney canon: “Real” and “Domesticated”. Real animals are the ones like Pluto, who are more or less indistinguishable from their non-cartoon counterparts. Domesticated animals are ones like Goofy, who are more anthropomorphized (bipedal, wear clothes, speak English).

Good for them.

They said they signed a contract with the venue in 2020 after AGDQ 2020 ended, but before COVID-19 took over. I don’t know if the contract was for multiple years or for the following year (AGDQ 2021), but because the pandemic prevented them from holding an in-person event in the winter the last two years, they were

Dang, that could not have been an easy decision. Bailing on a hotel/venue contract is hella expensive. I would have honestly not blamed them if they just did one last event there to save themselves from taking that financial hit.

Orlando is actually very liberal ( my district in downtown Orlando went for Biden by a roughly 80-20 margin), but I don’t blame them for avoiding FL in general. DeSantis sucks, and the redneck parts of the state tend to outvote us in the cities. 

Yeah, that statement is ridiculous.  Any competent CEO is kept appraised of company finances.  So basically, assuming he isn’t simply a liar, he’s flat out saying he’s incompetent.  So Tommy boy, are you a liar or an idiot?  Because there’s no way out of this situation where you don’t look terrible.

That’s basically how I’ve felt. All of human history to play with and people have been clamoring for the 182,074th fuckin’ Japanese samurai video game? Like come on, really?

It’s the real life equivalent of taking a trip to a foreign country and only eating McDonalds while there.  

Please stop paying attention to this attention-whore racist labor-stealing pile of shit.

It is nothing like SR2.

As someone who very much enjoyed SR2... I doubt it. It looks like it was made in the SR2 devkit but fuck me watching some reviews the voice acting, writing, and just general narrative seems absolutely woeful.

AVC articles are mostly created by an AI so they fucking miss those opportunities.

Nopon coins can also buy class levels

I mean, realistically the rest of the cats aren’t going to magically start heading toward the exit to meet up with their buddy/sibling the second your orange protagonist disappears into the void. They’re just going to keep wandering around looking for food. You know, like feral cats do. In fact, if they were in the

Brazilian here. While at first I was a bit “huh?” at your mention of Brazil because we are not being censored at this level, I get the point and am not that surprised.

Jair Messias Bolsonaro and his family might be some of the most perverse and incompetent people I ever saw in a position of power. They do stuff like

Mexican here: Maybe you should remove AMLO from your list. As much as everyone hates him here in Mexico and being also an idiot, he is not and he can’t even if he wish to, to completely side with Putin, since Mexico, as southern neighbor from the U.S, wouldn’t be able to side with the Russians without risking pissing

If all programming questions were not on Stack Overflow and moved to Discord, the entire industry would come to a screeching halt.

Yes, this. From the moderators, regulars, and experts viewpoint, on forums or Reddit. They can answer questions once, and if someone asks the same question again, that’s on them for not Googling first. On Discord, I often find a lot of hostility between mods and new users because they get tired of responding to the

This right here.