Honestly, if I were working at there I would quit anyhow if Brochild actually took over. There’s no amount of money worth working for Musk.
Honestly, if I were working at there I would quit anyhow if Brochild actually took over. There’s no amount of money worth working for Musk.
Gamestop can’t even properly deliver your pre-orders now even if you did order them in person. Seriously, a lot of people are showing up with their receipts showing that they did in fact definitely pre-order a game, but ‘Sorry, it’s not in our computer’. So that’s yet one another reason to just dump Gamestop and order…
Here are some of Elon Musk’s text messages, confirming that rich people really do sound that stupid when they talk to each other in private.
zomg ruined by the care bears!1!one
The Store, News, and Notifications tabs are definitely web pages and it sure seems like the settings tab is too. Since the Steam ‘app’ on Windows is just a web browser with a tiny shell around it too, this makes it easy for them to have consistency across platforms.
Meta can’t wait for you to do literally anything in their VR setups so they can track everything you do and make some return on their billions of dollars of investment, you pathetic sheep.
Look, the Pokemon universe is kinda bleak and brutal.
I wouldn’t start with 6. It’s just completely soulless, by the numbers. FC5's ending made me angry (before it was redeemed with the excellent New Dawn), but FC6 ending just made me relieved. 3 or 4 would be great starting places.
Yeah, whatever legacy they had is toast. You get caught fucking just one goat...
Only to lose it with the PS3 as they wallowed in their own arrogance and hubris. Oh well, it’s happened to all the major players, and the PS1 truly was special.
GameStop and SAP is one of those classic combinations like cancer and poop.
They are still licensing the tech as ‘Immersive Stream for Games’. Used for stuff like delivering game demos fast, which it’s great at.
Google’s known propensity for killing off products and a terrible business model finally bite them in the ass in a big way.
All that is great for the book. The more controversy the better.
Magnus (who is great at chess) knows that a 19 yo can kick his ass six ways from Sunday (because Niemann is even better at chess), and in order to avoid facing that humiliation again will come up with any lame excuse he can not to have to play him again.
Mostly good observations, but I think missed some things (hey, there’s so much here it’s easy to miss).
I understand your desire for Giant Robots, but they’ve totally run out of interesting things to do with them (with one exception). I watch the first eps and am so bored, seen it all before. It’s even kind of a relief when you get a series like SSSS.Gridman that just redoes an older tokusatsu series so at least…
$500M and nothing to show for it except speculative jpegs of spaceships and space land. Not even a single chapter of Squadron 42.
Yeah, this is totally normal. A lot of Nintendo games just started out as a flat square moving around in a world where everything else is just simple lines or rectangles.