
I guess I could have said it nicer, but it’s also true. There was no reason whatsoever to expect that a DBZ RPG would be anything but the formula crap Ethan is describing - but as long as you guys with no standards keep buying it there will be more, so you win in the end.

DBZ is a a franchise defined by shit games because the fans have very low standards, so why bother? It’s less a creative venture and more a soulless corporation that is built on pushing out low quality stuff, from manga to anime to games.

It’s not a lot of time for literally thousands of bugs. And I know thousands is plausible because Witcher 3 had thousands. Most of them are small (‘typo in this conversation’ ‘NPC x looks weird when y’) but they all take time to 1) find in the game, 2) find the problem in the code/resources, 3) fix it, 4) check it in,

They probably got it feature complete then realized they have 10,000 bugs to fix (that number’s not hyperbole for something this complex).  And I’m sure they have some extra Polish-ing they want to do. There’s always extra Polish-ing.

It’s also been a big issue that every fratboy douchebro thinks he’s funny and don’t think they need a writer - and those are the sort of people who wrote Matt Hazard and Duke Nukem/Forever. It’s just random people in the company, usually especially the dbag owner who always thinks he’s fucking hilarious, like Randy

Now playing

It’s a real goddamn shame that they did not have external speakers to blare Ride of the Valkyries while doing this.

It’s fantastic that these people did all the work to nail down exactly what bad things these dating apps are doing.

It’s always interesting seeing these completely gleeful ads from a place which is by all accounts completely straitlaced, starched, and kind of miserable to work for... but I guess you could say exactly the same about Disney.

That ‘tiny mouth on the side of a giant snout’ thing does not work for Shazza.

Assuming you do FPSes, you really need to do Control. Brilliant, gorgeous, funny, meticulously designed and gated, and a complete blast.

You’re telling me his normal movies aren’t deliberately bad on purpose?

‘The Cloud’ plus ‘American Telecom Monopolies’.   It’s not ‘you got your chocolate in my peanut butter’, it’s ‘you got your fecal eruption in my dead puppies’.

This game was very obviously kicked out the door by EA six months too early.

I wonder just how long you guys are going to put up with tediously typing ‘XBox One Series X’ for an entire generation.  Maybe XBoxSex?

I look forward to having to dodge a lot less on pedestrian paths and NO POWERED VEHICLES trails, which of course scooter riders ignore because they ignore all traffic laws and safety rules.

If it were fossilized then it would have turned into hard chunks of mineral (and would not smell). In this the soft tissue is preserved - the opposite of fossilization.

I want to care, but for some reason I just can’t give any.

If you go that way, then it’s just a truism and there are no examples of non-capitalist societies larger than a village. Even North Korea has capitalism. Cuba has capitalism. Soviet Russia had capitalism. So yes, the apocalypse will be capitalist because statistically everything human on the planet is capitalist.

Haha, no, now they’ll charge you more for the printer and keep screwing you for the ink.  HP wouldn’t lower the price on their gold mine of people who don’t know how far superior cheap laser printers are.

I don’t even think you need capitalism, it’s just the dominant paradigm so its excesses are clear and many happen under its umbrella.