I know its fiddling while Rome burns, but I’m quite sure the reaction of rank and file to having less Management riding your ass with fake targets is ‘woohoo!’
I know its fiddling while Rome burns, but I’m quite sure the reaction of rank and file to having less Management riding your ass with fake targets is ‘woohoo!’
When I take a step back and consider what I’m doing, I feel like a shameless sociopath, utterly devoid of firmly-held viewpoints or morals. I am, in practical terms, just making my character say whatever she needs to for everybody to like her.
Is it really Daggerfall if it’s not a buggy crashy mess?
He’s the new Skrillex, so it’s understandable.
In 2013, right before it hit the mainstream, one Urban Dictionary user’s early classification of egirls went, “Often seeking the attention of professional gamers. . . Live sightings of eGirls can be found at gaming LANs.”
I’ve got three strategies for the bit where I can’t get past this f@#$ing part of the game:
Hey now, it’s not just Tesla owners, Mercedes owners would do this too. If they could figure it out, since they can’t figure out turn signals.
Sounds like Stephen R. Donaldson’s Gap books - a space opera where every single person is loathsome and unsympathetic (you may also remember him from the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, where only the protagonist is loathsome and unsympathetic, at least at first).
It’s even better because your villagers are actually helpful so it feels more like a real collaboration. With something like SDV or Harvest Moon, pretty much everyone is no use for your tedious chores. But my DQB2 villagers, they’re producing! Mostly poop, but they also plant, water, harvest, cook, even build. If a…
I live in a place where you can get Mike Hess in cans at the convenience store (or super), so that’s my go to. But Negra Modelo and Sierra Nevada are great options. A Pacifico works if you just want a mild lager. Absolutely no Corona because it will be completely skunked from sitting under the flourescents if you buy…
Simplest way to think about it: ALL the energy that would have gone into sending the arrow the distance of a football field - and still have enough energy left over to kill an elk - goes into the bow instead.
‘A CHEVY?!?’ *storms out of the theater*
I love this article. I know some people are going to go ‘ITZ ODLY A GABE’, but I’ve always wondered just how accurate the archery is in these games, especially after the archery explosion a couple years ago (with Lara in the vanguard) where suddenly every character had a bow. Apparently it’s pretty crap.
I can’t blame him for leaving (28 years at one job? Holy hell), and he’s certainly earned whatever he wants to do.
Well there goes your kneecap.
Spock: ‘Vulcan, motherfucker, do you speak it?’
I keep hoping this fad for terrible ‘live action’ CG will peak at some point - this would have been so much better as a cartoon.
Cats are opportunistic cannibals.
I think you nailed the reality of permadeath.. The only people I know who ever honor that (no save scumming, no save copies, no rebooting the console instantly) are people who had permadeath as an option.
Wow, I had ‘Track Employees Check Work Phone Online Spy Free’ on my phone but figured it was just a legit stock app!