
I’d already written this one off and forgotten it even existed. Backed this before it was obvious that Kickstarting video games is generally a bad idea (even if there were a couple huge successes like FTL and Undertale, but 99 disappointments for each of them).

If a lot of people rate a bad design as a bad design is that really ‘review bombing’? That’s just reviewing a bad game.

Just a reminder you can find cracked version torrents.

If you think you’re buying a long-term Gameboy with third party support for your $150 you’re going to be disappointed.

You’ll get twelve weeks of a new game per week. You’ll probably only play each a day or two, but it should last you 12 weeks. Then there may be another season (probably, since interest is high - I want to make a game too!), but who knows.

Ironically, one of the few things still working reliably is Google+ (according to Google’s service dashboard).

I religiously talked to everyone in camp, and I do see what you’re saying - Arthur can be one person on the job and another person at camp - but I don’t think they closed the extreme disconnect.  I don’t think they even can because narrative Arthur is fixed but your gameplay Arthur can be a saint or the devil.  ‘My’

We’ve totally run out of ideas, going back to our glory days guys! Just like Hollywood.

Oh it’s already out... but no PC version? Whaaaaat?  Since they devved it on a PC it’s not like it would be hard.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is already better than Baldur’s Gate 2 was.  Bioware’s gone downhill, Larian’s gone uphill.

Baldur’s Gate 3? Ugh, you know modern Bioware would...

Where this shit is going to get real is at a Chuck E Cheese. It’s the perfect crucible of angry drunk parents, then you light a match (this shirt) and toss it in.

That is 100x better. Which is still not good, but at least it won’t induce nightmares.

Just think of the sort of person who would be watching The Bachelorette.

Only fan translated - that’s how I played it.

You think so? All the girls were so f@#$ing annoying, and the locales were low-rent rectangular warehouses.  But at least the combat was still great.

Well that’s nice. It wasn’t as good as Star Ocean 2 (YMMV!), but this, SO2, and Blue Sphere are amazingly better than any Star Ocean we’re ever going to get ever again after the disaster of SO4, SO5, and mobile crap.

This pretty much puts the ‘intentionally bad Sanic just for the trailer’ theory to rest then.

This is because demanding respect is a million times easier than earning it.

Well, we’ll have to see the games! Basically, it reads like a paddle controller - the game sees that you rotated it 3 degrees forwards in the last 1/60th of a second, say and then the game can do whatever it wants with that information.