
I don’t share your optimism, but you could be right and you are in the pool!

So are we betting one year or two years before Google gets bored and just shuts the whole thing down?

Unfortunately, this is also the circuit that F2P games exploit to get you to pay up money.  They give you a lot of pleasure, then they ramp up the pain, and hope to get you to pay money to relieve the pain.  Of course instead of finding it within yourself you’re finding it within your wallet.

And totally worth it - it’s just dumb Mad Max(ine) fun.

And totally worth it - it’s just dumb Mad Max(ine) fun.

I don’t know about freecell, but Japan definitely had Minesweeper and Qix and Breakout type games where you clear the screen to see cartoon nudity.  Right in the arcades even.

Thanks! Bought this once I found it actually had a decent single-player game (the way people were talking it sounded like a Destiny).  Will start this weekend.

The DRM problem that leads to review bombs on Steam is when the publisher adds another layer of DRM, like Denuvo, and the game’s performance completely goes to shit. Steam’s DRM is not much of a performance hit except up front.

DRM problems are ‘off topic?’  Yeah, this is aimed at boosting the review scores for badly performing games - which boosts Steam’s take too.

Well, that’s very... generic.

Wait, is this a viable single player experience even if other people just happen to show up in the world, like WoW?  If so, suddenly I might be interested.

Thanks for doing the legwork, Laura - It didn’t exactly consume my day yesterday, but I was definitely wondering ‘Who are all these assholes?’

Here’s the full list from the filing.  Of course then the question is who all these people are.

From all accounts these kids are incredibly dumb. That’s why their parents had to pay bribes to get them into school. If you look at the transcripts you’ll see the parents joking about how stupid their own kids are.

Hopefully you’ve got better tech now! Are we still all using A* and its variants like Theta*?

“I spent money on the game and the cards and I don’t want to waste that cash.” I’ve felt that way too. I remember buying The Division and grinding and grinding for days and weeks because I didn’t have a lot of money and every game was an investment for me. Most of that time I wasn’t really having fun,

Oh yeah, forgot to mention:

He didn’t mention some of the other specific tech we used for fast pathfinding. That would probably be too much detail for the video, and he wasn’t the guy who implemented it...

H1N1 was a pandemic swine flu virus. So obviously H1Z1 is a zombie flu virus.

Names H1Z1 has had (it split into two games, this includes both):

Shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic.